Hopefully the gym rework makes charizard relevant. Not a lot of bug/grass/ice in gyms anymore and shit ton of water type. Charizard,arcanine and flareon collect dust (stardust?) in the current meta.
Hopefully the gym rework makes charizard relevant. Not a lot of bug/grass/ice in gyms anymore and shit ton of water type. Charizard,arcanine and flareon collect dust (stardust?) in the current meta.
Well, when you put it that way......
Trump is doing it to pander. The people in those jobs are looking at either a $9 an hour job at Walmart or a $30 (no idea) an hour job in a coal mine. The chose the better paying dark hole to climb in.
“Save the farriers and coopers! Save the lamplighters and hatters! Only that can we make America great again.” Fuck.
Read that. 3 of the 4 don’t think he should have pulled out. He’s never had those odds before.
Just because Trump wants to pander to his base by using coal miners as his poster children doesn’t mean the rest of us have too. Good.
He’s imagining how much more Trump Tower will be worth when it becomes waterfront property.
I have hope because SCOTUS can’t be predicted. The conservative 5-4 majority still allowed the ACA to become law.
Well, only cucks pull out. Everyone knows it.
Only cucks pull out.
One book. Fall of the House of Trump.
Also, this would have been better with Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Pride Trumps Reality. It’ll take awhile to shave off the best of them. My coworker stopped talking about Trump with a smile after the healthcare replacement rolled out.
This is basically homeopathic legislation we’re living through. Take a little bit of competence and dilute it until only the memory of competence remains.
Like this was a planned event, declassifying information. He was bragging, showing off.
He meant “don’t be critical thinkers” not critics. They’re already on that path.
Comey was fired for exaggerating in his statement by Donald fucking Trump. Now we’re post-irony AND post-truth. Fuck.
In Chicago with the family. Got to see the Midwest’s middle finger.
Katy Perry isn’t up to the task.
It’ll be interesting to watch Trump take us from cozying up to two monsters to destroy an ideology, to starting Vietnam 2.0.