Bobcat Sig

Their entire point of existance is to piss people off so...I guess they’re working. Makes me want to shove a watermelon down their half a foot diameter exhaust stack.

I guess I was thinking of the truck I keep seeing around town. It’s so absurdly tall, and so poorly done, it has to take turns at crawling speeds to keep from rolling over. Rather pathetic. I’m sure there’s a bunch of bro trucks that actually do well at some intended purpose, such as mudding. But man, a lot of them

Excellent, multiple Simpson references on one post. The day is off to a great start.

Smoked lights are one of my biggest pet peeves. It’s not like the brake and tail lights were designed for the visibility of other drivers at all anyway!

Wait, no shout out to the bro-dozer monster truck conversion?

Same bullshit they said when they moved from 55 to 65.

not true. “falls off a cliff” is just incorrect.

Safety and the value of people’s time should trump minor economy concerns. People can make that choice on their own.

Only because manufacturers build cars specifically for those speed limits. If we change the limits manufacturers will too.

Since modern pickup trucks are more often than not used as cars, and primary transportation for a lot of people, I’d say you fail at cars.

Every GM was awful in that era. compared to an entry level Audi they were 15 years behind. it’s like grey and vinyl were the only thing they knew how to use.

Seriously... I’m normally not one to complain about the list, but... the Model S? Really?

My favorite thing is escalators, because an escalator can never break, it can only becomes stairs. The sign should read “escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience”

TopGear, in the form that airs for the final time on Sunday, will be the car program that all others are measured by.

4 wheels. Per most US states, that classifies this as a car and the Morgan directly preceding it as a motorcycle.

I did see that. I'm secretly hoping my engine goes out so I can throw a full Dinan stroker setup in it.

Yes, if only he had had some forethought and take some measures to protect himself against the risks of owning an unreliable car!

The one that REALLY annoys me: