Trazodone Rebellion

Plus there’s the whole Marvel connection.

You can't help it; everything you do is funky like Lee Dorsey. 

I'm afraid to dig too deeply into my dislike. Mia Farrow has always annoyed the shit out of me, maybe that has something to do with it 


Neat article, Mr. Hughes!

If a straight white male commits violence against another straight white it really violence? 

I'm not gonna judge their goodness as people, but as writers...yeah.

Look af this old over here.

Women are perfect and incorruptible, it's true

Past trauma is not an excuse for bad behavior unless it totally is. 

Honestly, if Norm threatened me, I’d be super flattered.

Get the facts, man. Comedy is only good when it’s not funny and involves sharing of personal trauma.

Yeah, you know guys...Jesus healed the sick and rose from the dead and all, but to be fair he spent his life reinforcing the patriarchy and exerting his privilege. 

We should also get rid of puppies and rainbows. Actually, why do we even allow laughter? Seems like it could hurt someone's feelings or reinforce the patriarchy. 

I like how in your fictional scenario, even crusty conservative Norm is still really polite. You really captured his innate Canadianosity there, kudos and kudos again. 

I like how you expressed your opinion without being a total dickhead. I disagree, but I star you nonetheless for being cool about it. 

I've been reading this site since the beginning. It's not you. The dream is over. What can I say? 

Uh, zing? 

They’re humorless scolds?

Is that why I’m permanently grey?