“I don’t do crack.”
“I don’t do crack.”
See right wingers, some immigrant Latin Americans even prevent theft.
very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.
Look, this guy said some shitty stuff ✔️ that I am sure ❌ he regrets ❌ in the light of day.
My wife absolutely *loathes* superheros, comic books, fantasy and sci fi. She loved Deadpool.
Yes, leave Naked Gun alone
Thank you for putting into words what my feeble brain was struggling with.
Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.
The Restatement isn’t law - it’s an academic document designed to show what the purest/simplest form of the law could be.
Unfortunately that just isn’t the case. I have worked at both Target and Home Depot. Home Depot was much worse. I have also worked at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Applebees, GAP, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, and Circuit City back when that was around. I worked at Lowe’s one summer too. Home Depot wasn’t just worse than all of…
...which is part of what caused the election headache in 2000, as people started calling Florida when the main wang finished voting and didn’t wait for the more conservative other wang.
This story is so wild you could knock me over like I was a geriatric paraplegic security guard.
This. For once and perhaps only once, I want to follow Florida’s lead.
Yeah, instead of mocking Florida (for once), can we please just ALL FUCKING DO THIS?
I enjoyed this, ESPECIALLY for the token anguish shots from the crowd. Anyone who didn’t enjoy (or is at least compelled to watch) the tears from fans and players alike is a damned liar.
Jeezus, that’s good mimicry. Like, A++ level stream-of-Trumpiness. How can you unhinge your mind like that, and is it hard to return to a linear timeline afterwards?
It’s got nothing to do with agreeing with the administrators. I walked out alongside my students today, received a written “warning”, and was docked time and pay. The students who walked out will all have to come in on a Saturday (and plan on walking out of that too!), putting further strain on the school…
In fairness, they’re now free of the horror of having an effective black quarterback. They’re now free to draft a somewhat less effective but super scrappy white dude the fanbase can pin all their hopes on until week 5 or so when they realize he sucks.
Yeah. It’s incredible that both of the following are simultaneously true:
Unless they’re amputees, then yes, each person in Atlanta has two snow brushes.