
Philly fans will never be the worst in a world where Patriots fans still exist.

I went to school with the dude. He was the kind of kid who wore a suit to high school and would tell the teacher they forgot to assign homework...if that gives you a hint about the level of stick up the buttery that is going on in his life.

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

The mix of team jerseys makes it really confusing to figure out who’s on which side. The fighters should have gone shirts vs. ‘Skins.

Seems like CSPD ought to be less worried about the calls coming from journalists, and more worried about the calls

I personally don’t understand how any veteran could reasonably take someone kneeling for the anthem or flag as a sign of disrespect, it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.


The South was built on free labor from slaves. After they were told rather forcefully that they couldn’t do that, they depended on nearly free agricultural labor from sharecroppers and free industrial labor from prisoners. After those systems were reformed (only somewhat in the case of the penal system), it moved to

Yeah, there are a dozen easy ways a 13-yo could seriously hurt an 11-yo without even trying. A collision in the outfield, or on the bases, drilling them with a line drive from that close, you name it.

Why WHY do the same people who scream about Hillary’s emails not realize this is 100x worse in every way?

Getting shit stomped by the Pens again after forcing a game 7(like 2009) would be the worst for me. Hell, just getting to the conference finals will be a catharsis like I’ve never had. After game 4, I told my wife that that the Caps will win 5 decisively and drop 6 in OT to some shitty redirection goal, which will be

It’s good to see someone speak so openly about binge eating disorder. I think a lot of us see fatness as some kind of moral failing, and as someone who has struggled with binge eating, I don’t totally disagree with that assessment. But there is an addictive component to the worse cases. The thing that sucks about it

It’s no different than McDonalds asking you not to wear your work uniform with the McDonalds logo on it while you are protesting.

Actually, they may request that representatives not wear gear with corporate logos.

The pineapple is just taunting you. Oh, you thought the rest of this meal was shit? What if we made it a Hawaiian pizza too?

Come on, you guys are just making Machado about something.

You seem to be confused. A deferral does not mean that you don’t have to serve, it means you don’t have to serve *immediately*. Robinette was going to serve those two years, but it is common for the military to wait until your athletic career is over for you to serve them, because the early years of your career are

Brian Kelly out here supporting his player like a construction lift in a wind storm.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.