
Don’t forget Valentines Day!  From “My Fuzzy Valentine” to “Bob Actually” they have been some of the best episodes of the series.  

Yep, Tammy’s a handful!

I loved the payoff to Linda’s story. “You still owe $35" -> “GOT IT!”, bam! end of episode.

Hey found the asshole! Tell me, does your wife still fit into her Jerome Bettis game-worn jersey or has she had to upgrade to left tackle yet?

Oh wow, is already time for another six months of being pre-empted by football followed by one month of double episodes? And what misbegotten attempt at capturing animated lightning in a bottle will be getting the primo timeslot over Bob’s Burgers this year?


This has been a weird season of Rick and Morty. On the one hand, I’ve REALLY loved a lot of it; hell, on an episode to episode basis, it might be the best season. But as my (far more discussed than I thought it would be) post from last week posited, I’ve started to have some weird hangups in the last few weeks. And I

I’ll give you the Ricklantis Mixup, which is a genuinely superb episode of television, plus maybe the first episode and the Jerry/Rick episode as solid outings. But this season kinda sucked. Last week’s episode was genuinely the worst of the entire show - Rick and Beth’s ‘heart-to-heart’ bit was like fourth-rate

That was pretty fun, but yeah it would’ve been better if the story fit with the changing animation styles. I would say, “Bob has a fever dream while the rest of the family runs the restaurant” but they’ve already done both a fever dream and a Bob tripping out episode. I wonder if they just picked an already written

My guess is the kids follow through with stabbing him, so probably not.

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

Cheers to all the crudely drawn faces in the Belle Room.

Actually, based on what I’ve learned from the show, you are definitely alone, as is everyone.

Seems intentional but it is weird that he didn’t feature in more flashbacks.

Seasons 1-3 were structured VERY similarly - Bojack has a goal, that goal gets fucked up, he spirals into depression and does horrible things, resulting in devastation. That worked out great for all of those seasons but this season naturally had to divert a bit otherwise there would’ve been diminishing returns. So

BoJack is aware that his behavior hurts the people he cares about, and he feels guilty that they suffer as a result, and he’s finally working up the nerve to try and change that behavior. Part of his self-loathing feedback loop, and also his motivation for trying to break out of those destructive patterns, is that

Homer in “The Cartridge Family” is utterly unsympathetic, and in prime “Jerkass Homer” mode. It’s just a stupid, dangerous obsession that briefly seizes him and is forgotten in the end. Diane’s reversal on the gun issue is rooted in a relatable place, in feelings of fear and powerlessness. But her newfound hobby isn’t

At first, I really do not want a Season Four.