Travis Wolf

Some things are legal but immoral and others are moral but illegal. File Nazi punching under the latter

Ummm I know you probably think alternative facts are cool and all but its not 2009/2010 Sony isn’t in the same place they were. They are doing quite fine now

What I struggle with though is the legal question. I agree that it was probably a moral choice to punch dipshit in the face but should the puncher be charged with assault? Because really, we can’t just allow assault willy nilly.

Its easy to say that up until you’re one of the ones being led into an oven.

Well, yeah, but fuck it. Every time a nazi gets punched in the face, an angel gets its wings, or a handjob or whatever, so yeah it’s all good.

No, because BLM is punching upward, forgive the pun. And honestly, even bringing them up “shouting for cops to be killed” kind of tips your hand. Richard Spencer has every privilege in life laid at his feet and he chooses to advocate for genocide of people who don’t have them.

Back up my claim that he would not respect anyone else’s right to speak given half a chance? How about organizing “joke” marches of armed people against Jewish business owners? Talking about how we REALLY ought to be talking about whether black genocide would be a good thing? Just because I don’t have video of him

Holy Christ no it is not. Jesus man

you have an unusually high standard of proof that nazis are bad

Facism does not listen to the people, that’s why it’s facism.

I’d bring you MUCH closer to your death if you preached these ideals in front of me. Hell, I may even play God. There is no room for racial intolerance, I don’t give a damn what your “rights” are.

Counterpoint: Richard Spender would not do you the same courtesy.

You should dismiss An Angry Irishman and Darji. They are bigots, trolls, and members of the hate group Gamergate.

Since you think slippery slopes are valid arguments...what about the slippery slope of appeasing Nazis.

“If we start punching nazis, where does it end?!”

It’s great that you named the logical fallacy you’re employing in your own comment. It means you had a bad idea and contradicted it in one fell swoop, so now nobody else has to. Great job!

That is how facists gain power. They count on everyone being polite and giving them equal time/opportunity to build their platform and then next thing you know they’re the 45th President of the United States.

Thank you. You’d think for a group that fetishizes the Nazis they’d know how Germany responded.

My great-uncles were Nazis, and I wish someone had punched them long before they did what they did.

Is this like the people who made excuses for the murder of a black kid in a park by a cop? Or do you only support state sponsored violence?