This one has like, actual cutscenes and character motivations spelled out neatly through dialogue and stuff. It’s not all ‘this world is fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked, would you like to sift through context clues and errata to find out how?’
This one has like, actual cutscenes and character motivations spelled out neatly through dialogue and stuff. It’s not all ‘this world is fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked, would you like to sift through context clues and errata to find out how?’
Looks like they’re trying to fold some of the design queues of the big screen mode into the desktop interface, which isn’t in and of itself a bad idea, along with some of the social stuff that people with friends care about. The updates being cubed off is a carry over from the store pages, so there’s that. Overall,…
Maybe not, but they’ve got a leg up on Epic’s anti-consumer practices. I was firmly in the camp of “yay competition” for a while, but Epic’s lackadaiscal security, poorly organized storefront, and abandonment of passion projects for a long standing community in favor of exploitative lootbox shenanigans has left me…
Articles, excellent photography of beautiful women, and advertisements for watches I will never be able to afford.
I said this already, late last year, but this is some very ambitious, very blue sky tech. That’s not a problem in and of itself, ambition guides innovation, but the problems we saw when this tech got trotted out ten years ago, five years ago, and last fall still have not been solved. I live in a pretty decent little…
Yeah, New Dawn is largely built on the back of 5, so certain recruits and locations are banking on about 40 hours of emotional weight from the previous title for payoff that you, personally, don’t have.
So, a Corvette Fiero Mera?
I’m not sure about the powered monitors, but I had a pair of the R-15M hooked up to a cheap RCA receiver a few years back, and they are incredible. Crisp, precise, and impressively loud. I resigned myself to a cheaper but more compact and less wire-intensive setup about two years back, so those ended up in my dad’s…
I’m not sure about the powered monitors, but I had a pair of the R-15M hooked up to a cheap RCA receiver a few years…
I was about to say, isn’t a lot of the subtle plotting of this game that being a law-abiding armed citizen makes you cannon fodder in this game? You can only trust the super deep undercover government agents to decide who lives and who dies, with the living being the nice citizens that are subservient to the failed…
I still like the SSR. It’s a novel styling exercise mostly seen in eye-popping colors, and I’d rather see that on my morning commute than the sea of white, gray, and tan depression crates that trundle along down the highway, devoid of any joie de vivre.
Market pressure from the Corvette faithful will probably demand both still exist, but I would wager that sales numbers will decide the ratio going forward, with the possibility that one model or the other will drop off the market if the demand is too low. Which will give the purists yet another thing to whinge about…
It’s kind of a bummer. They’re pretty much in there for fanservice of both kinds at this point, which is a low point for both characters. I’m hoping that they intend to be part of at least Bloody Palace. I get that this is the final chapter of the Sons of Sparda storyline, but they could have given them more to do…
It’s good to see a principled person in politics that’s not willing to glibly overlook failings on her side of the aisle in order to advance the cause. Hats off to her(apologies if that phrase is also somehow now a racist dogwhistle).
I have to agree. I get what the companies are saying, GaaS makes a lot of sense for ensuring a steady flow of income between major releases, but the end results have been consistently lacking. Either you shove out a half-finished game with the promise that we’ll see a completed product before the launch of the next…
Maybe I was just butchering the timing, but Gerbera was useless to me in that fight. Launching Punch Line to stack damage while I charged Red Queen, and using enemy step to keep out of his attack range while I pummeled him worked much better for me. I do love Gerbera for crowded fights on tight spaces, since the…
From everything I’ve read, the campaign doesn’t loop back on itself like 4 did. Nero, Dante, and V all have a decent bit of standalone missions, and some missions where you can choose who to play, so in those cases it’s more like getting some replayability out of the mission, as they apparently take different paths…
Very good piece of advice. I was getting run over by the first boss in Nero’s campaign in the demo until I bought Enemy Step. It’s insanely useful in boss fights in particular, where you can launch yourself clean out of his lumbering swings and start smacking him in the head. Also, just putting this out there, all the…
I keep bouncing back and forth on Bloodborne: The Card Game, though I know exactly why. I’m sure that the game is good, it’s Eric Lang, c’mon. But, it’s also 35 bucks I could spend on other essentials, I don’t know if I can get it to the table anytime soon with Gloomhaven, Massive Darkness, and Dark Souls: The Board…
I keep bouncing back and forth on Bloodborne: The Card Game, though I know exactly why. I’m sure that the game is…
Super simple old school noise rock type stuff. It’s loud, messy, cacophonous, and overly on the nose with themes in the lyrics, and usually technically impressive in the same way that a Dragonforce track is impressive. ‘Rules of Nature’ from Metal Gear Rising is a perfect example of a butt rock track. Some dude…
One of the biggest problems you’re going to run into is a matter of market accessibility. Yes, it’s possible to make a nuanced, interesting queer relationship at the heart of a game’s story, but who’s going to play it? Some segment of the queer populace will play it, maybe some people that are interested in such…