That was the game I was thinking of. Same shit, different shoe, honestly. Courting controversy for the sake of controversy does not an engaging experience make.
That was the game I was thinking of. Same shit, different shoe, honestly. Courting controversy for the sake of controversy does not an engaging experience make.
Wonder Woman is probably the perfect point of comparison here, because Ms. Larson seems to have a blind spot for that film while proclaiming how important and new a woman-led superhero flick is. Wonder Woman was great, reviewed well, and sold well. Forgetting recent progress to play at innovation isn’t a good look for…
The optimum office food is a normal sandwich so the whole place doesn’t reek of whatever stank-ass BS you ordered, and so the receptionist doesn’t have to wallow in your post-midday junk food binge funk when you come to the front printers to make copies. Like, right now, at this moment, it smells like expired meatloaf…
It was kind of exactly that. Being able to see the big numbers and good grade ranks fly up for pulling off simple, big damage combos felt good, which I think is one of the game’s biggest strengths, and personally why I think it’s better than DMC2. The demon weapons impact with a great sense of weight and power, and…
Probably Metro: Exodus. Only got about an hour in, and the atmosphere in this game is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I’m interested to see if me embracing the early availability of resources to fight the opposition head on is going to lead to a bad ending again.
You picked a rough game to drop in on, but if it’s any consolation she’s probably the hardest boss for quite some time, mostly because the skills that make her less of a chore aren’t available to you yet, especially your onmyo skill that let you slow enemies.
The way I’ve explained it a few times is that DmC, especially the DE, is a good Western character action game, which are characterized primarily by crowd control and spectacle, both of which its quite good at. It’s a very different beast from the Japanese-developed DMCs, which hold onto the tenets of stylish combat and…
Look at the Brother HL-L3290CDW. I bought one for my wife for an early Christmas gift, and it’s done extremely well for her. It is, admittedly, fairly expensive, but it has the same feature set as this model, plus color printing.
Look at the Brother HL-L3290CDW. I bought one for my wife for an early Christmas gift, and it’s done extremely well…
I mean, they do make a real 10" Deagle brand Deagle, but it doesn’t look like this altar to picatinny rails. I am curious why they went with a M1928 style Cutts compensator over the side set integral muzzle brake of the base length model, or just omitted it entirely as the real 10 inch model did. Maybe for legal…
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. On top of the generally oppressive atmosphere, there’s really no end of genuinely terrifying encounters in the game, from the quick and vicious bloodsuckers, to the mind-bending controllers, to say nothing of the anomalies that can throw you across the map with terrifying and lethal…
That’s basically how I do it. My side hustle is entirely built off of work that’s largely just taking advantage of my technical know-how to do relatively easy work for a few hours every few weeks or so, and getting a nice little stipend for my efforts.
Hard agree on the advice to the second and third letter writers. I’ve dealt with the drain of an uneven relationship that is only now recently evening out, and I’ve discussed it elsewhere, but these were always minor, short term problems for me, balanced out by the fact that even if the housework was unbalanced, there…
It’s why me and my wife have agreed to keep states of undress off of our digital devices; not out of any distrust of one another, but because if it’s digital, and it has an internet connection, it can be accessed, and I would personally be very upset to be browsing the net and find a photo or video I know I received…
The other reviews I read this morning pointed in that direction, so I apologize for my bad info.
Because of a mechanical aspect the review touched on briefly, which is that this Far Cry is a Borderlands style shoot and loot. You need to fight higher tier enemies for rarer drops, which also means you can't venture to far into the map early on for fear of hitting enemies that your underleveled 12 gauge won't so…
This is one of my genuinely huge frustrations with the platform. My wife has an S9+, I have an S8+, and most of our emojis don’t show up on each other’s devices, so we’ve had to go back to <3 and ^_^ type stuff to do emojis. I have no idea why this is the case, either, and it’s a major annoyance.
I should have used a different term, but the sentiment stands. If you aren’t willing to kill to defend your home, you’re only going to end up putting you and yours in more danger playing with self defense tools of middling to low effectiveness and placing yourself in the line of fire while fiddling with the safety on…
Me and my wife both flipped our shit, especially after she’s been saying for months leading up to release “I won’t believe 3 exists until it’s in your hands, in the PS4, and you’re playing it.”
Yeah, I got a tip for you. If you’re the driven type that can abide by your list, if at all possible, go by yourself to the grocery store. Other people in your family will try to betray the list. They want this thing and that snack, and suddenly your shoestring taut, well-balanced, budgeted cart is overladen and over…
Refer to my follow up comment.