Travis Sibley

Well said. He was still a 24 year old kid. He fucked up and it cost him his life. Enough said.

My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.

I am never going to New Mexico.

Taco Bell, yesterday.

This sounds like laziness. If you’re going to be in the shower why wouldn’t you also wash your legs? It takes like 20 seconds.

Who ARE you people?

Just opt for the Purple Drank = Codeine and Sprite.

My first thought was one or both of them were gay or bi. Your reasoning makes total sense to me. No matter what the parents did, they did not deserve to be killed in such a terrible way.

You’re right it could be worth many more times over, but it could also be zero— or even negative if you invest on margin. That’s the (massive) problem that existed before social security.

It can’t be optional because your SS taxes are where they’re getting the money to pay today’s retirees. It is and has always been a pyramid scheme.

This is why SS should be optional. I would much rather take that money and put it into my 401k or investment accounts and a) know the money will be there when I retire, and b) actually accrue some extra value instead of losing 25%.

No. Unless your data is encrypted, you are never safe. All I need to do to get at your data is to take out your hard drive and plug it into my computer. Doesn't matter if you've secured the machine, the hard drive is what matters.