
Dear Kotaku,

In his defense, Costume quest wasn't designed to be for hardcore gamers. I feel like you're just knit picking. Most people don't play Psychonauts for the platforming. They play it for the characters and story. And Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse him for adding RTS into Brutal Legend. It may not have worked that well, but it's still

A new meaning to "OBJECTifying Women"

Seriously, I'm missing a page to this book. WHAT exactly are they protesting for? They all agree that God hates everybody and these things happened because of God's wrath?

Not really feeling the last two.

I am liking how more people are accepting meditation and not just for spiritual purposes. I have alot of things to do one weekend and I decided to give myself an energy boost. To my dismay I "gave myself too much" and actually stayed awake for two days straight. When people say that your body is a temple, there are

I usually hate the VGA's. It's like that douchebag son that doesn't appreciate his father's hard work and stuff. But this is like the kid finally grew up and realized how much his dad loved him and said "Thanks for everything." This shows a sign of maturity. It all wasn

There comes a point in a professionals life when he no longer feels the need to have trophies to know he is one of the best. He/she can smell talent and piss excellence on command. Ash is one of these people. He has grown and matured past the point where what a pokedex says matters. He knows his bond with his pokemon

I'm OK with this.

Slow as always.

Here is a valid question, could this mean that the pokemon being displayed can now have 3D models as big as they are supposed to be? I'm serious. I want the cave portion to be huge, filled with zubats, and every Onix to be bigger than my sprite.

There is still much about DNA we don't understand. So, shit, I'll buy both words.

From personal experience, I can agree that your girlfriend, Bettie, knows how to bounce.


Hooray! They are trying to get rid of a game they have overstocked and nobody wants by bundling it and making it sound like a deal. I'll take the Playstation+ You can keep Unit 13. I don't want that purchase on my hands...

This just helps show how bad their marketing for the WiiU was. Sure, gamers knew. But where were the commercials like "Wii would rike to pray?" Now retailers get yelled at for not pushing it hard enough. HA!

Any body else notice how most UFO sightings contain a disk like object and here this guy at NASA is wanting to make a disk like object?

WHOA there. This isn't just socializing. Warn us when it's NSFW!

I like you, Mister IronChef.

I'm sorry, but are you talking about the same developer? Metro 2033 may have had some glitches, but it was an amazing game in gameplay and atmosphere. Apparently for a game to be good in your eyes, millions have to be dumped into it and every single glitch needs to be fixed.