
Alright fine. I'm just trying to make a point. Lately "revolutionary" has been flung around too much. Tons of Game devs and the like claim what they have is "revolutionary" and it's practically killing the word. There is a time and place to use it. And for the WiiU, I feel that isn't it. And honestly, who owned a

Hey, I'm not giving them praise either.

At $300-$350 plus $60 for a game, yes not having a decent battery already in it is a scam.

I'm not fanboying at all here. Just because one example was towards a specific brand. Nintendo revolutionized portable gaming with the GameBoy and Microsoft pushed multiplayer real hard with the first X-Box. All of the major companies have had their moments. But this WiiU is not one.

At $300-$350 plus $60 for a game, yes not having a decent battery already in it is a scam.

I'm not saying there were the same on scale. I was using them as examples for the right sense to use the word. The definition of revolutionary "radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc.: a revolutionary discovery". I see nothing radically new or innovative. The WiiU will

Catwoman: "Look at how stealthy I am!"

It isn't revolutionary. Revolutionary is changed the playing field. When America declared independence it was a huge change. When Sony came out with the PS1, it was revolutionary. NOT revolutionary. Having a controller with a touch screen does not revolutionize the way we play games. And do you really think

That's actually the point. Much like how a used car salesman makes sure the outside is nicely clean and the inside doesn't have blood stains, such is this case. To make the WiiU seem to make up for some lacking textures, they put shiny things on them. Shiny things always look nice. Call it an optical illusion.

AHAHAHA I never acted like they didn't. Microsoft's over priced wireless receivers and non rechargeable built in batteries are to laugh at. Not to mention how poorly designed Kinect games are outside of Dance Central. And Sony's business model for new systems is adorable. All 3 of these companies don't give a shit

I never said it had to be revolutionary, but the hype behind it does. I think alot of the hype revolves around people just wanting something new to fidget with. I've used a display WiiU and it still feels me. I'm not trying to troll, I'm trying to justify $300 of my hard earned money.

Zombie Master is on the WiiU now? Holy crap, no wonder the patches stopped coming out.

Someone please tell me how this is "revolutionary" outside of a touch screen controller and I might save up for one.

I bet you there is an extended battery coming out. Nintendo is becoming too good at scamming people out of their money.

I had to go back and look once I read your comment. Thanks for that, it's going to make me laugh all day.

I still don't see how anyone can claim this to be "revolutionary". While it may be a big gun brought by Nintendo, it certainly doesn't change the playing field of gaming.

Now playing

Here is my 5:30 review on Black Ops 2 if anyone is interested.

I understand why using it to check techniques for combustion engines is nice, but wouldn't it be better to use it for something greener? I would like to see something like this help develop even better solar panels and other ways to gather electricity. Not necessarily for the environment, but only because combustion

This game looks terrible for what it's trying to be. Hey guys, it's the end of the world, good thing everyone is creepily smiling and everything is brightly colored. Don't forget to stack up on diamonds and tons of cash. Maybe I'm being too cynical about it, but it seems like the guys who made this game didn't play