
Too much reading required to get to the actual allegedly overlooked movies.

It's a million percent working.

A year? What did you do for the other 11 months?

That argument is insane. If a story works better when it's non-linear, filmmakers are making a SOUND decision if they decide to present it that way. If a movie story better (or equally well) when presented chronologically, that means the decision to make it non-linear has negative (or, at best, zero) value, which

Well, the Dark Knight movies were a shit ton of fun, too. They did okay without saying much about the human condition - they were mostly exhilarating.

screw your comic spoilers!

Didn't Squabbles teach Luke how to box? And then apparently Willis did, too, when they were kids?

Jesus. If you're claiming that there are a lot of gay black men on TV and the first example you come up with is from "Spin City," a show that ended 15 years ago… yeah, that's no bueno.

800 words of fluff before getting to the actual review? Geez, Handlen, even for AV Club, that has to be a record.

I never got through it. Played for 3 or 4 hours and had to quit. Too nerve wracking. To be honest, I'm not even sure I even got to the part with the alien.

7 months late here, but yes they were painfully terrible. Just shitty writing all around this episode, from the who's on first routine at the military base, to this SHIELD #2 nonsense that makes zero sense, to Simmons and Fitz fighting just because the script calls for it.

Yeah, there are a few exceptions on that list, Forrest Gump being the most obvious one.

Well, the writers and filmmakers behind most of the world's most critically acclaimed films disagree with you.

I think Peggy is Lester and Fat Damon is Pearl Nyygard. Otherwise I agree with your points and criticisms (including the references).

What the hell?

OMG you had to talk to a hipster? I'm sorry, bro. I hope the rest of your college experience went more smoothly.

I know this joke is 8 months old, but it made me giggle like a school girl.

And there's a dragon. A goddamned dragon.

Jesus. Your handle is Pop Culture Portmanteau. You ARE the hipster you abhor.

Settle down, you.