Travis M. Cotton


Doesnā€™t look like you will need to invest in crotchless underwear anytime soon. Unless Mango Mussolini costs the rich money via the stock market, then they will dump his ass.

How many unicorns flew outta your butt when they voted themselves raises?

Mobilize Your Democrat Friends to Vote in the Next Election With This Appļ»æ

When you say you sprayed it with lacquer, what kind is best to preserve it and give it that cool glossy look? 

Heā€™s not going to get a nice paying gig with the main stream media by reporting non controversy and fact.

Even if it was a joke, what is rule number 1 in car culture?

Todays environment makes it so hard to tell if people are speaking from ignorance (lack of knowledge, not ā€œstupidityā€) or actually think that Elon is Dr.Evil and just hasnā€™t moved operations to his volcanic lair yet and everyone is on the take.

Ie: lets reach out and compose some conspiracy without even knowing that weā€¦

If Musk had made the announcement then dumped all his stock, or told all his cronies to do so then youā€™d be onto something. And that would be obvious if there was a large sell off just prior to such an announcement.

CEOā€™s talk about their market positions all the time - things they say cause their stock prices to riseā€¦

Thatā€™s uncalled for and ignorant.

It might be good for you to realize that there are people who want the information in this video, who want to educate themselves, or who want to ensure that they continue to be the best ally they can be, but who arenā€™t able to watch a video, say, while at work. Oneā€™s ability to be aā€¦

I donā€™t know if this is an attack on people wanting lower taxes but most people who desire lower taxes donā€™t want basic needs like roads negated, but rather want their taxes spent more wisely.

Waiting for the forthcoming teardown of the Mission-E, electric VW bus and Audi electric whatever where they discover that housed inside each battery pack is actually...

Iā€™m waiting for the millennial remake:

Yeah, Shakespear was total garbage too, cause they didnā€™t allow women on stage. How DARE the past not live up to your contemporary indignation!

What I expect: Super Gonorrhea

For the record, I am completely willing to take deer jerky as partial trade on any car I am selling.

Now playing

In the midnight hour she cried More, More, More Crack Pipe.

That is gorgeous.