Travis M. Cotton

Those doors which I lol’d at form the B pillars then? riiiiight. Also can they be closed independently of one another or is there a closing sequence which again.....riiiight.

Crepes too!

The should put the Left Twix and Right Twix guys in each cockpit. Let the hilarity ensue.

Looks like someone shrunk an F-Type and for that price....well I can just buy an F-Type....

I gotta be honest. Phrases like “acres of polished figured Walnut” turned me off because clearly there is little acreage there. But then you sealed the deal with “along with a Motorola phone”.  

What no BMW’s on this list...I call to own you say...never mind.

Disclaimer: Current X5 owner so I know what Im talking about.....mostly.

I was good until someone said the front end looked like a catfish.....cant unsee....

I wish to put on my fat pants and be wrong with you.

This is a deal at Carmax in 2 years.

A 50k Kia is just that. A 50k Kia. Go watch DeMuro’s review on this and while a great car in many ways and has some features I really like its still a Kia and I dont forsee many people forking over 50k for one.

A unique look might have made a difference there but this isnt unique

If that’s your car in the pic you are also never taking your car out again :P

They make deductions for things like property taxes sort of harder. Other programs allow you to enter the items line by line like say property tax on a car. Credit Karma has one line for this. Now that may have been a change to the tax filing itself but other programs let you list them individually. But on the whole

Not loving that dash color combo.

Cause a simple Javascript confirm dialog is soooooo hard.
“Are you sure you would like to trigger the NUCLEAR WARNING SYSTEM?”
Yes or no

Yeah. In order to complete quit Chrome I usually have to go into task manager and kill the instance using the most memory. That usually kills all the other instances as well.

One other thing David. Pretty much no warranty company covers the exhaust components or suspension components like the air ride airbags. Those are $1200 for the set btw. Expect them to fail at some point and so squirrel some money away now. The initial BMW warranty you got MAY cover that as their initial warranties

Yeah Ive wrenched my son’s Miata a good bit but this job really necessitates the car go on a lift and there is a shitton of work just to get to the gasket.

I bought the car at Carmax but the warranty came from the credit union who is the lien holder. The warranty company is:

Ive got a 2012 X5. Drives great, rides fucking awesome....looks good too. Tomorrow its going in to have the oil pan gasket replaced for the tune of $2400.00..... TWENTY FOUR HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS....

You are probably right about that.

The Jura coffee mom has one. She didnt pay $3700 for it but rather $2500....I know...peasants. I wont tell you its worth $2500 but it makes as good a cup of coffee as my $10 french press from World Market.