Travis M. Cotton

I agree...if its this one :P

Wool seats in the up my swamp ass game!

Call me when Gluten Free Steering Wheels become available.

Came here to post this very thing. Blender, hand blender, whisk if you are gooood. You dont need any of this other stuff really. I had a tiny cocktail mixer thing which looked sort of like a hand blender only 10 times smaller and it excelled at this. 3 yolks, room temp....stick of melted butter (HOT...I nuke mine

The only comment worthy of this entire post.

To be fair here it shows Michael Ballaban sharing this to Jalopnik and not the original author. But I agree.....not a real story.

Yeah Im with you. Cant unsee that outfit of his....

Looks like this from the pic:

They say every car has a bad angle and the 2nd pic is it for me. Something about it makes me go...bleh....but the first pic is stunning. Disclaimer: Ford GT has no bad camera angles. Jesus said so.

Someone went all the way to potato on that rear end.

Needs moar stance!

Vette yes.....the Alfa and Audi probably. The rest, especially that Colorado.....meh

That blue one.....I just broke my desk in half with the boner it caused.

Yeah Im with you on all of that.

I feel like there must be a flowchart for this kind of horse shit right? Step 1: Person is white? -> GOTO Privilege. No? GOTO Racism.

I dont know. Backing over a car of a guy who’s just threatened me with a “real”gun (as opposed to an imaginary one I suppose) doesnt seem in any way to deescalate the situation. Also said backing over wouldnt have prevented firearm retrieval either. Also I was broke when I was 18 so Im envious he can afford said

Nailed it!

Yes everyone knows they were from Saudia Arabia and a couple other countries not on this list. I already know this and I already said why they were not on the list (according to whats being reported). The reporting may be total horseshit who knows.

Well you can accept that as the reason or not. Im not saying you should or shouldnt (clearly you dont) just those are the reasons being reported. If you dont want to accept that I dont care. I dont know that Im convinced but the reasoning has merit.

I didnt say it made them ok. I only offered up what’s being reported as the reasoning behind the list. Accept that reasoning or dont but I offered no justification other that what Im hearing on the news as the reason the Saudis arent on it.

Also I clearly remember the time, the day and exactly where the fuck I was