
Nothing offends me faster or more disproportionately than realizing someone is advertising something at me. My computer is built mostly of ad-block software at this point, so every time an ad gets through i get extremely offended at the intimate tones and suggests they know me.

I don’t laugh when I eat salad and I

justify it by saying that because young people are “cord-cutters””

Yeah, it’s American Exceptionalism at it’s finest. During the 80's people realized that non-essential but high demand items (Cabbage Patch Kids dolls were the one that started this I think) could be picked up as demand started to grow, then resold at obscene mark ups. If they don’t sell, they simply return to the

Late-stage capitalism, man. People will fight to the death in defense of a system that has them swarming retail stores and websites like driver ants an an effort to succeed, as opposed to spending half that energy trying to create a system that...maybe doesn’t encourage behavior that is by all accounts shitty and

That’s the problem with capitalism. It. Is. Never. Enough. Not enough money, not enough land, not enough resources, not enough guns, not enough whatever. 

This is the 11-foot-8 equivalent of the DVD screen saver perfectly hitting the corner.

I think that we can all say that for all the years we’ve watched these 11'8" Bridge videos, and for all the schadenfreude we’ve experienced watching trucks partially rip their roofs off, or rip off other attachments, before coming to a sudden halt, THIS is what we’ve all really been hoping for. This is peak 11'8".

Apparently the options menu and non-gamepad controls leave a lot to be desired as well. Feels like a classic “PC third tier” port job.

It depends on the language, but you generally can decompile it. It’s just really hard to sort out which decompiler would be needed and what settings would be needed with the decompiler. In addition, you don’t have any of the original documentation as comments aren’t preserved by the compiler when making the compiled

Having a contests in which getting 10 working hours is a prize is peak capitalism.

This ones easy. Find out where relatives of Gamestop execs are buried and do the dance on their actual graves and send it in. Bonus points if you get a fake headstone with the still living execs names on it in the background.

Yet another reminder that we live in a boring dystopia. 

It’s definitely a bad look for them. Sure, they’re not doing much but giving away money in a different method, but I’m really surprised someone at some point didn’t see the optics of that. It feels a little “Hey slaves, dance for me and the best ones can get extra work!”

A penalty shot was given because the ref saw an attacking player fall down in the vicinity of a defender.  They dispute that the falling down was the fault of the defender.  (I haven’t paid enough attention to the video to have an opinion.)

I think that some of the sportsball men were cheating at the sportsball, and that the sportsball mediators sided with the cheaters, and then other sportsball fans grew upset.

People don’t think that should have been a penalty.  It knocked Mexico out of the World Cup, I think.

Dude dives outside the penalty zone. It was clear to see yet referee still gave him a penalty shot that he shouldn’t have had.

And this is where we are. Where the offenseA are so obvious that “well other people did it, so it can’t be that bad!” is a viable argument.

The worlds first digital serial killer...