
Which is stupid because the original ME1 PC port was a specialized port and it was actually decent. You can tell they didn’t give a shit this time and just redid the console versions then did a minimal-effort port to PC.

I had no problem with the hacking minigame.

In the old Mass Effect game, continuous firing of a weapon caused your reticle to get wider and less accurate and your weapon muzzle to point higher up.

Thanks so much for the reply!  You taught me something today and I very much appreciate it.

ELI5: Is it not possible to decompile a published game to obtain the source?  I don’t know a ton about software development.

No, they’re telling them to dance for the right to work for peanuts.

As anyone who’s ever worked retail knows, work that can’t get done during the allotted number of hours still needs to get done, it just goes unpaid.

Also like Crisis Core. FF7 fans knew from the very beginning of the game what was going to happen to Zack, and yet we played it anyway and still got sad when it did.

Honestly, one-time live events suddenly showing up in online multiplayer games and NOT being some minor seasonal thing (like how most major MMOs do it) is wrong, imho. It is blatant manipulation of the customer base. It’s a bunch of “me too!” copycats following on Epic’s footsteps, even though Fortnite is the worst

Not just that, but caregivers have to deal with COVID-19 AND the flu right now, because we’re not yet totally out of flu season.

I screwed up while making my character.. I didn’t realize that eye color was individual, so he has one bright silver eye and one bright blue eye.

Superman stories regularly devolve into “bad guy who could never in a million years fight Superman on his level finds kryptonite and thus cheats, but still loses eventually because Superman.”  Waaaay back in the day he wasn’t quite so powerful and so his stories were a little less absurd, but in Silver Age he just

It’s stupid that people can get away with committing crimes with their companies just because of a few little letters behind its name.

Do better America. If this clown can get stuff done so quick good ro bad than what has everyone else been doing?

You’re right! Everyone is bad! Let’s just get rid of law altogether and just let people do whatever they want because there’s no point in holding people accountable for their actions because, holy fuck, someone else has probably done the same thing and just not gotten caught (but I have no proof, it’s all just

And this is where we are. Where the offenseA are so obvious that “well other people did it, so it can’t be that bad!” is a viable argument.

I don’t get it.. what is the deal with this video?

Would be creepy cool if this exact NPC started showing up in other peoples’ games, randomly murdering people who are assaulting the PC and just walking away like that every time.

Hahaha, I thought the same thing.. it’s like they have no idea what they’re doing.  Maybe they’re playing with a keyboard-emulated controller and thus have no real idea what the buttons are?

Incorrect. It did have its own CPU, RAM, sound chip, etc in it, but I don’t remember how powerful they all were.