
What’s crazy is this was from just last year and here they’re complaining that actors like Wahlberg are ‘too old.’ This is PERFECT. They could literally just grab those actors and make the rest of this story and make a fortune. But they won’t.

Because 2 discs would cut into their profits, and marketing knows that console players don’t like multi-disc titles too.

Assault is the fourth leading cause of preventable deaths.

Now, take that ~40,000 firearms deaths and realize that more than 60% of them were suicides. In fact, in 2017 only 14,542 people were the victims of firearm homicides; the rest were suicides, accidents, and “deaths by legal intervention” (ie, cops killed them).

Actually no, you really are more likely to die in a whole lot of different accidental ways other than being shot.  Even in the US.

We need to dramatically reduce the physical number of guns in this country. We have 390+ million guns in a country of 327 million people.  THAT is why so many criminals have access to guns.

If you’re implying my comment was the ‘shitty joke,’ I have news for you; you’re wrong.  My comment touches on the actual problem in ways your hopes and prayers never will.

Using a woman’s death to promote your half-assed political views is kind of a dick move.

I’m not.  I’m pointing out why gun control is needed and showcasing how inane pro-gun arguments are.  But hey, you go on thinking I’m just being snarky.

It’s sad that I’d actually have to use an /s in this day and age for some people to actually understand that this comment isn’t serious.

Because they literally won’t. lol  And some actually didn’t.

It was fine.
And then she talked.

I felt like I was watching a bad kung fu dub from the 70s.

Now, you see, if they’d had a gun no one would be dead right now.

The games included 1986’s Mario Bros. arcade version and the only known copies of 1985’s Golf, 1986’s Balloon Fight and 1986’s Gumshoe. According to the Post, “some experts consider it to be one of the foremost collections in the world, both in terms of overall value and rarity.”

This is exactly it. They don’t actually give a shit about what they’re collecting. To them it is just something they can have that no one else has. It’s like those idiot arcade machine collectors who got pissed when someone managed to get ahold of and dump the physical ROM for some ridiculously rare game.  They were

This doesn’t impress me. He’s just going to continue keeping them in their sealed boxes. How does that do anyone any good?

Don’t forget that all the blank checks need to be signed.

Depends on the game.  I regularly have gotten decent trade-in value for games, way over $5 and often more than $10.  Then again, I don’t play the yearly “AAA” games that get pumped out in mass quantities and get outdated as soon as the next one is released, so the games I’m usually trading in hold their value better.

It doesn’t help that many modern Japanese women are absolutely not interested in modern Japanese men.

You clearly don’t appreciate KFC biscuits, because they’re amazing.