
So how many times does this question have to be answered before you’ll understand? Because I see this question in response to this issue all the time. I also see real answers, but yet people keep asking the question.

Fighting games are to MOBA/RTS as boxing is to football. They both require a TON of training and skill, but they are different types of sport.

This is a joke right.

The *only* reason I'll be playing The Division 2 at launch is because I got it for free with my Ryzen 7.

I really don’t get loot “rarity” systems in games nowadays. It has been rendered absolutely pointless. Anthem *and* its playerbase just proved that point by the changes made and the reactions.


Hello from the future! DA4 may be closer than we thought!

what about the high percentage that regret the change and the high rate of suicide among people that have transitioned?”

“Everybody’s happy?” Really? You think it’s ok for this to go on just because “everybody’s happy?” One of those people is “happy” because they’re living in a world that doesn’t actually exist, one that is being crafted and cultivated around her in order to hide her from the truth. Also, your decision to point out that

There’s a difference between “people cheat” and “people cheat, don’t care, and in fact brag about the fact that they enjoy it and will continue to do it, in secret, behind their spouse’s back, just because they can and want to.”


In what reality is the X-Men franchise any better off than the Spider Man franchise was? The Amazing Spider Man was one of the best Marvel movies I’ve seen. If Sony hadn’t screwed up the second one, they could have done well with it. None of the X-Men movies after the first one and Logan have really been very good. 

I was already kinda confused by the robot child, then the insta-dry concrete lost me totally.

Dude.  Have you ever read comics?  They do crap like this all the time, smashing different universes together and leaving the characters to pick up the pieces.  They wouldn’t even need to do a hard reboot, though there are a few things they’d have to figure out (like, uh, when exactly does Deadpool/Deadpool 2 take

Well no, technically and legally speaking he’s not a pedophile. Pedophilia involves pre-pubescent children.  That said, he’s still a disgusting prick who needs to be taught a lesson or 5.

I’ve had a good life.

Most states that have age of consent lower than 18 also have age-gap rules in place.  7 years is most definitely outside that gap.

If by “ancillary” things you mean repetitive gear grinding in areas that had story the first time but now are just replayed ad infinitum for stuff and/or pvp, that’s not “plenty to do.”

I avoid shipping and thus most fandom like it’s the plague. IMHO if you want to write fanfic, fine, but use the characters respectfully and do not deviate from what you’ve seen in canon. They aren’t your characters, so use them like you’d use your friend’s car when you borrow it; you wouldn’t make modifications to it

I think they need to do another optimization pass for PC users.