LOL! Ok, I'm with you on that one. Maybe they just were trading pics with friends or something? Cuz you know people would be wandering around taking in the new look and stuff.
LOL! Ok, I'm with you on that one. Maybe they just were trading pics with friends or something? Cuz you know people would be wandering around taking in the new look and stuff.
Aha! Sorry, I didn't catch the tone.
That's Digital Foundry, dude. Comparing graphics between consoles is *literally* one of the many things they do.
*sigh* That helicopter should have been toast inside that building. There should have been tremendous damage, followed by explosions and fire.
I'm sorry, but I want *some* realism in games. All the vehicle BS in the BF games turns me off to them. I haven't enjoyed one since BF2.
But it shouldn't be. Single player RPGs have no reason to possess MMO mechanics; while they work for multiplayer games, they are vastly inferior for single player MMOs.
Unless you take the time to accurately count only the seconds when the gameplay is unpaused and actively ignore any time when it is paused, it is still very difficult to accurately measure the damage. A 'damage per hit' number is much, much more effective in a game like this.
Sigh. That sucks.
Because 'DPS' is irrelevant in a game that I can (and will frequently) pause during battle? DPS is a terrible measure of damage in a standard RPG. Give me damage per hit any day.
Except, I will be pausing this game constantly during battle, so 'seconds' are extremely relative, to the point of being irrelevant. I want to know how much damage a weapon does, yes, but in an RPG like this 'DPS' is totally the wrong way to approach it.
I probably won't play the multiplayer. Because I don't buy games like this for multiplayer (I never played Mass Effect 3's multiplayer). Also, the point is this: RPGs are about more than big numbers and how much damage you can do.
Yes, we need to know what kind of damage the weapon does, but 'DPS' as a stat is…
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Question, is The Keep the only way to transfer a world state into DAI, or did they give PC users a way to use our save games somehow?
Can't punch at range. Mega Man teleporting in like that is sort of a series staple, though he's never landed like that before.
Sort of appropriate for Wily...
Problem with that: there are TONS of cars that *are* made to be drifted... so why don't they just focus on those?
I hate it when they have games with drifting... and yet they showcase cars drifting that aren't meant to be driven that way. Seriously, who the fuck drifts in a supercar?
I require perfect gameplay of anyone who wants to join. Have 14/14 down and be able to play Blood DK perfectly.
Diamonds aren't even that rare and their value is artificial, set by many many decades of fraud and artificial scarcity by De Beers.
I'm older, and I think collectors are batshit crazy too. As I get older, the idea of collecting just for collecting's sake (ie, buying SNES games that are still in their original factory shrink wrap and sealed behind 900 layers of transparent unobtanium then setting it somewhere to show it off) instead of buying…