
Erm. The answer to your questions is all 'you're wrong.' I would play Heavenly Sword for the lore and story. I probably would play Spiderman 2 in order to enjoy an interactive, perhaps slightly different take on the story from the movie. I did play Two Towers and Return of the King to go through the story of the

I disagree. Novelization of a story from a video game can add quite a bit of depth to it that wasn't there due to the constraints of the medium. The same can be said of giving a movie the video game treatment. Video games can be longer than movies and can fill in gaps in the story that the movie only hinted at due

Comic book movies as a whole used to be a cancer too. That doesn't mean they need to be, it just means that video game companies need to follow Marvel's lead and keep creative control of their licenses throughout the production process.

Yeah, they unfortunately had a continuing story they were trying to tell at that point, though, so it got set during the war. I would have loved to have had a game about those particular characters, maybe following them from training up to the war, THEN had the ODST story we had.

The ODST trailer is seriously one of the best live-action video game trailers ever made.

Bleh, it'd be 100% more awesome if it wasn't a Tool Assisted run.

I'm the same way. 5 years ago or so I just passively decided that piracy wasn't my thing anymore. I didn't see the use in it, nor see the actual benefit in putting myself at risk to do so.

Tumblr is filled with people who claim to be something other than "traditional." If you look at actual statistics, these people should represent like 1% of 1% of the entire world's population, but apparently they're almost all in America, under 25, and use Tumblr.

I think that, for the most part, it's just a

As I've said to others, I didn't know there was no global chat in this. It's sorta lame.

I wasn't aware that Destiny had no global chat. That's lame.

TBH I hadn't played Destiny so I didn't know there was no global chat. That's... ridiculous.

Yes, but remember not to run out of time before figuring out how to get rid of the lava once you've let it all out.

Many fans, however, take issue with this, given that—on the simplest terms—getting five friends together (for a total of six players) is haaaaaaaaaaaard. People have jobs and obligations and hobbies, and only some of those involve space wizardry.

Good read. Sad you got involved in Sims in what's shaping up to be the most limited Sims game ever.

One word:


Problem is, it's likely that the 'bro' gamer crowd, for the most part, isn't even a fan of the Aliens series. What's next, a Barbie FPS targeting the 'bro' gamer crowd?

Goddamn rise of the 'bro' gamer. I both love and loathe gaming's rise to popularity.

It's mostly the US that has that distinction, but I get what you're saying.

The only semi-decent thing they have to their name is a depthless FPS game with Diablo loot.

No, sorry guys, I'm suspicious of the same old game being constantly iterated every year. There are not 'so many quality games on the market.' A 'new spin on an existing game' is not more attractive than something 'too weird.

"You can't go wrong with a badass shooter."

See: CoD franchise, Battlefield franchise after