lol. It actually doesn't always suck. It just sucks most of the time. I've played several F2P games that were actually really good. Most of them happened to be subscription MMOs that went F2P, but that's beside the point.
lol. It actually doesn't always suck. It just sucks most of the time. I've played several F2P games that were actually really good. Most of them happened to be subscription MMOs that went F2P, but that's beside the point.
??? It's F2P but not P2W.
And this is precisely why I haven't bothered buying into their handheld lines since the original Game Boy. And why their total handheld sales numbers are slightly misleading.
Luke, they're stigmatizing a term, generalizing an entire group or demographic. This is not OK. This is like sexism, racism, antisemitism, ageism, etc (though arguably not on the same scale). This is hypocritical by its very nature, as well.
I'm a gamer. I've been a gamer longer than most of the punks issuing death…
Why waste all that time and money putting the internals in place if it's not meant to actually power on and be used? Now I want one just to rip it apart and make it work.
Step 1: Have money.
I did it in ME1 and ME2... why wouldn't I have done it in ME3?
Don't blame BioWare. Blame EA.
In a debate, you don't expect one side to show the other side.
I appreciate you wanting to appeal to that "scientist" in yourself, but
Seeing scenes from GTA V, Assassin's Creed II , Far Cry 3, The Witcher, Red Dead Redemption and other games stacked one after the other does highlight how prevalent this device is in AAA video games writing. Chances are if there's a woman in a game's side mission—especially if it's a female sex worker—something…
First, I don't think Homeland Security should even exist, but that's a totally different subject.
Because they're actually smarter than that. See Microsoft Office for Mac, for instance.
TBH though, I really do wonder why MS is having such a tough time getting into the mobile market. Windows Phone 7 and again with 8 were both good smartphone OSes. What is the issue, that it's a Microsoft product and the…
Yeah, some modern offices still use them, but only for non-urgent communications. Let's face it; email is instant, so you can't beat it when it comes to stuff that needs to be dealt with now.
It's really awesome, but without thousands of players to populate it, it'd be really empty and lonely.
Some of Anouk's designs are straight out of cyberpunk dystopian fantasy. I'm serious, go look.
Specifically, a C:> prompt, which indicates the HDD is mounted and readable. lol
There used to be this thing called a 'paper memo' that was typed up and then photocopied, people had a literal box on their desk called an 'inbox' and another called an 'outbox.' An office intern would work as intra-office mailman and go around placing memos in peoples' inboxes and taking out anything they had in…
Wheeee! Let's whip out the 'terrorist' tag! YEAH! Department of Homeland Security will love you for that!