Anybody else think it's sorta laughable that they used characters from multi-platform games on this mural? Indeed, they used more multi-platform games for this than console exclusives or otherwise Sony-exclusive characters.
Anybody else think it's sorta laughable that they used characters from multi-platform games on this mural? Indeed, they used more multi-platform games for this than console exclusives or otherwise Sony-exclusive characters.
I wasn't talking about photorealism here? Just that FMV died because in-game graphics engines were able to do cutscenes well, and kept the possibility of interactivity.
12m PC sales as of Sept 2013, only 8m Xbox sales. I won't bother counting mobile because, while tons of people bought it, I'm betting that it suffers the fate of most mobile games and is almost never played.
Well, what I mean is this - he came out so close to the star he should be cooked. The amount of radiation at that distance would be deadly. I'm guessing the ships have some sort of shielding to protect the pilots (and the ships themselves) from that?
ODST was a great game. Halo fans mostly panned it because it wasn't Master Chief, but the fact that you weren't playing a superman and that stealth/tactics/strategy mattered more than just throwing yourself at the enemy and murdering everything.
Err.. so.. um.. he came out of hyperspace waaaaaaaaay too close to that star. Then, he flew past it waaaaaaay too fast (ie, it must be a teeny-tiny star - otherwise he's flying extremely fast).
EDIT: Watching closer, his HUD seems to imply that he's flying faster than the speed of light by a lot. I guess there's…
As I said above, the term 'Alpha' has been perverted and turned into a marketing term. Games that are 'Alpha' nowadays are waaaaay beyond the original meaning.
My first game consoles were the Atari 2600 and the Coleco Vision. t I'm perfectly ok with voxel-based interfaces and stuff. Just so long as we continue to improve as well.
Admittedly, it's 'pretty much dead' because the real-time game engines have gotten so good that they can make amazing cutscenes without them.
Yeah, right? I guess people here don't really understand the concept of 'Alpha' Really, I think that's the fault of major developers for hijacking the 'Alpha' and 'Beta' monikers and not quite using them correctly. They use the term 'Alpha' in hype and advertising for what's really an early, limited, and closed…
Most people don't actually care about super high res textures and other crap.
But the animated characters had a plastic appearance while the human characters looked like a home video at the Renaissance Faire. But the problem could be that the cinematographers and animators have not learned how to light for the higher frame-rate.
Yeah, the fact that people are taking this account seriously makes me sad. There are way too many stupid people out there.
Save vs Petrification? What is this, AD&D 2.0?
Why? Because it was perhaps organized enough (and thoughtful enough to want every team to have wins equally) to pull this off to the degree where Valve felt they had to change the rules?
I have around 186 hours logged, finished the main quest at about 130-140 hours in.
I don't think they're going to fail, necessarily, I just don't know that I like what they're cooking, so to speak. They're "keeping everything secret" as to the lore, and how these things interact, and even who the players are, expecting everyone who plays to figure things out and make their own decisions and…
And when they release it for Android, it'll be effing awesome.
Why did they even bother releasing it for iOS when there are more Android phones out there than iPhones?
Interesting. I quite seriously was not aware of that until right now. Thank you for that info.
Oh, so the characters in the game *can* take their helmets off? xD