
Uh. You missed a much bigger player in the 'every MMO was pioneered by' list: Ultima Online.

Turbine stopped giving numbers for AC in 2007. At that point it still had ~15,000, and had actually gone up from the previous year.

I bet a condition for their help will be some sort of licensing arrangement.

Asheron's Call peaked at around 120,000 active accounts in 2002. Everquest peaked at about 550,000 in ~2004. Interestingly enough, Final Fantasy XI also had 550,000 in 2004.

It seriously makes me want to avoid *everything* online, because I'm so sick of it.

You won't have a choice. It will be plastered all over everything. Even sitting it out you have to be exposed to it.

Damn it. Seriously, it got old the first time within the first few days. Now we have to hear bout it AGAIN?

Where can I find Zone's art?

I'd like to know the answer to this, too.

American or Korean?

1) XBox LIVE will still be here in 20 years, likely. But will you still be able to play original XBox games on it? No.

I don't want to 'feed the gamestop machine.' I just don't trust digital sales, especially on consoles with a limited shelf-life (compared to the PC). Call me old-fashioned.

lol, you're the expert? Judging a woman who has a black belt in her martial-art of choice?

I've had that problem sometimes, where I'll accidentally twitch my index finger and click on something I didn't want to. It sucks in FPS games, especially the ones that demand stealth, lol.

Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of... they're super expensive to replace, and still expensive to just have repaired.

I'm sick of it too.

Can this PLEASE be over? I am SO DAMN TIRED of this.

Yeah, I have too much trouble using the thumb trackballs. If mine dies, I'll probably go back to a mouse. Maybe get a dark field one so I can use it on my glass desk.

...Laserphobia? Why do you have a phobia of lasers?

I love my Microsoft Trackball Explorer 1.0 from like 2003-2004. I fear the day it stops working. :(