
i like me avclub

that is kind of a weird synopsis for the movie considering that Brian Wilson is deaf in one ear

weird. i usually the anus that has a problem with dicks, not the other way around

it's Dikachu!

it's not worse than Schoolboys in Disgrace

I expect all comments to reference either the electronic musician or the Simpsons episode and i'm okay with that

people seem to lob that accusation at every Wes Anderson film and it couldn't be farther from the truth

i'm not sure Megan counts as a minor character

i heard that he violated a nondisclosure agreement

wait, they're different bands?

Mark gets to be Gary, Indiana

the last track grows on you

Nick Carve

your asshole is freakin' huge?

aparrently there is a Steven Seagal movie that was written by Michael Ian Black. I need to see this now

the fact that he is a scientologist never really bothered me. he was always weird and this just added to his weirdness

Imogen Dragons

Cookie Monster seems to be the only reasonable commenter on this thread, which is really fucking weird


i'm starting to think John Mayer is the real life Dennis Reynolds