
except mine

punk became very narrowly defined and isolationist in the 90s.
Sleater-Kinney were one of the only bands moving the genre foward

ain't nuthin but a
G(od) thang

I don't think anyone actually thinks it's good, they just like it for nostalgic reasons

who knew they could play lesbians so well?

he was also in Back to the Future II

movies starring musicians you like are usually enjoyable because they have musicians you like in them, but A Hard Days Night would still be great if you had no idea who the Beatles were

such a clean old man

the NBC version will have nudity, but you will have to put a brown paper bag over your TV

if every song ended about two minutes earlier and they removed all the random guitar solos in the background it would be a good album

and his daughter sings Guns of Brixton on the album. though, i'm not entirely convinced it isn't actually Ike from Southpark

wait, do people not like that song?