
Thank you for the response, your comments have been engaging and it's cool you respond to so many given the volume of comments. I think where I disagree is that this line of reasoning often gets trotted out to shut down any criticism asking for more representation from those of us who aren't often represented.

I like a lot of the points here, but overall it seems contradictory. Showing support for Elsa having a girlfriend is the opposite of promoting stasis in entertainment, and I feel like an all-female Ghostbusters, and a Wonder Woman movie on the way, wouldn't even be likely without fans pushing back and crying out for

Now that you mention that, I have to wonder where the personal trainers who offer dance workout classes on hip-hop and twerking fit in. They've capitalized on dance moves to either built a business or make money as an independent contractor through gyms off it, so where do they fit in? Are they a paradox?

I kept expecting Alice to jokingly ask "Do you really mean that or is this just because you don't want to drink ram-satyr semen?"

That was a good one. I think mine had to be Quentin's narrative when he says something along the lines of "weddings are so boring Penny would rather artroproject into a dungeon that sit through one."

So far it seems like unless you can do the quick-finger thing Elliot pulled off (unless he had that spell prepped which is a possibility if he heard the altercation happening before he walked in on screen), or even the killing someone by just imaging them dying he did as a child, might be better off with guns in terms

I think that Julia was apprehensive and the goddess's follower super foreboding is going to come back in a big way, or at least has the potential too. It makes me wonder if maybe the goddess is genuine but her gifts come with conditions and if you don't use them a certain way terrible things happen to you? Maybe Julia