
he got the scoop

if you’ve gotten that far in the game then I have a news flash for you.
you are no longer mega bad.
you’ve “got gud”

Shovelknight for me.
Love those tones, love those stages, love catching shield knight.
everything about it is beautiful and it’s only like a 2 hour experience.

I believe Shaymin is based of a hedgehog

Needless to say I’m in love with it. Here are it’s strong points and weak points.

Oh no.... I’m not going to be able to molest my party members :( :( what a shame....

welcome to speedrunning. they aint got time to grind

Been gaming since the gameboy/snes days and I for one welcome our new undertale overlords.

now if shovelknight was on the list I’d be spouting a different tune

We should have preordered more

So are you peeps going to review undertale now?

depends. do you want a handheld that is completely ignored by it’s creators in terms of creating quality titles and is a glorified indie machine?
If so, go right ahead. there are some pretty good titles for it already ( kotaku has a nice little list of good games)
if not, get a 3ds

depends. do you want a handheld that is completely ignored by it’s creators in terms of creating quality titles and