
Someone ping me when the comments get awful.

I would love to, unfortunately it’s usually handwritten on a chalkboard on the back wall that aren’t close enough to squint at until you’re at the front of the line.  At that point you can feel the impatience of everyone behind you...

Agreed. Make your menu understandable and have it posted where it’s easy to read. If you’ve decided to make it all cutesie and twee, blending in with the decor, don’t be surprised when people don’t know what it says.

You do however get a free pass to ignore the menu if it’s written in chalk on a black board by someone who never learned how to write.

This feels like an Apartment Therapy article that escaped its pen and wandered over here.

Several years ago my wife and I kept coming home and finding garden gnomes in our garden. First it was just the one, but after a few weeks there were four of them. I eventually found out my mom had been buying them and coming over and putting them there when we weren’t home. It was kinda funny, really.

Lmao if you didn’t have a virus you about to. 

Ok, maybe I’m a bit paranoid but letting a third party back up your device and giving them your encryption key? A fairly unknown third party with an unknown privacy track record?

Every slide would be “we really have no f*ing idea why they do this.

Mustard should go next to the cheese, mang.

Is it the texture? It was the texture for my sister and me. We got over it. We still think brussels sprouts are Satan’s bon bons, though.

Wooden skewers are a great tool to loosen up those hard-to-remove pieces of gunk that stick to the rails.

But they like meetings, because they get to talk.

For me, I had an underlying issue of a physical nature. During a work-related physical I had a blood workup performed. I was diagnosed with a “syndrome” with a name I no longer recall - my doctor told me my body doesn’t process water properly and prescribed a drug named Guaifenesin, which is now available over the

This insistence on time = productivity has just led to a culture where everyone comes in early and stays late, but only accomplishes like, 5 hours of work. It’s dumb. I’d rather just come in, work my ass off without breaks until the work is done, then go home.

Looks like I’m gonna have to call my local fire marshall and turn myself in for frying chicken on my gas stove.

I’ve found that it’s generally safer to avoid anti-vax families not because you’re worried about getting some horrible disease but because being around stupid people is just bad for one’s mental health.

Household use indeed.

Bats aren’t vermin. They’re important to the ecosystem and many species are threatened. Getting them out of your house is a good idea for you and for them, but remember that they’re a lot more scared of you than you are of them.