Rich M

She already used that Get Out Of Ever Being Called Racist Cuz I Adopted A Black Kid Card in defending her use of the n-word in talking about her son. Madge is trash! All that time she was ‘pushing the envelope’ was just her being a disrespectful jerk who wanted respect.

I read it today and thought the same thing! Yes, the author points out the "raped" gaffe, but by no means was it the entire point of the profile. I thought she came across really human, at least as much as someone who has been a famous icon for 40 yeare can be.

Her whole rationale is such bullshit. You can feel violated. Or betrayed. Or lied to. Or snookered. Or whatever. But not being a fan of a profile does not, in any context, equate to feeling raped. This is a bad look for her. It’s OK to hate the profile, but let’s try to keep things in perspective. 

The longer even a fawning profile piece is, the more likely a celebrity will find something in it to dislike.

And yes I’m allowed to use that analogy having been raped at the age of 19.

I actually thought the NY Times profile was surprisingly flattering. The writer was clearly a fan. It was super long though, so I may have glossed over the more negative points.

because of the resultant death threats.

Yeah this pissed me off. It’s one thing to tweet about it, but a whole article with a hyperbolic click-baiting title?

I have a boss who simply doesn’t understand how prepositions work. She’ll change “and” to “but” without realizing that words, like, affect each other’s meaning when placed in proximity to each other. She either just likes the sound of one over the other or she wants to make a random change just to exercise her power,