
From Boston we have Gammons, Shaughnessy and the unbeatable Jacki Mac...

Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Robby, Johnny, and Brian

Easy Top row L to R: Poindexter, The Grube, Deb from accounting, “Slitherin” Steve.
Bottom row L to R: Chud, Nationally ambiguous name guy, ‘Stache-Man Jones, Squats and “Pussy Thief” Dave “the Eye-Talian stallion”

That could just have as easily been a picture taken yesterday in Indiana.

See, and this is why my hot/dumb sports take is that all drafts’ orders should have some elements of randomization. I know, the lottery, but that’s not enough. What if the Lakers could get a #1? It’d be fun and piss so many people off!

Yes! My high school boyfriend tried to turn me onto Carlin with routines from that time period. I kept thinking, “sure, he makes a good point, but when is he gonna make a joke?” Maher is definitely the comedic love child of George Carlin and Dennis Miller.

Seriously, what exactly do flat earthers think is the reason for the deception here? OK, so you think this is a facade to get you to believe that the earth is round when it isn’t. Why!?! Why would someone want you to believe that?

That’s his legacy. Nothing he did before (certainly not McCain-Feingold) or since is ultimately going to matter, but THAT choice has to be brought up every time we talk about his impact on GOP politics. 

Deandre Jordan is more of a Maverick than John McCain.

Yeah! That.


And if another asshole from the northeast who spends most of his time playing childish games realized he didn’t belong in the White House either we wouldn’t be in this situation.

We’ve... we’ve left the real timeline, haven’t we? We’ve gotta be one of those splinter universes that sane people try to imagine an alternate reality would be like, but then just go “Nah, fuck, that’s too crazy, no one would ever believe that.”

Yeah. At D-II and D-III, where sports are part of the student-athlete experience, but not the end-all/be-all.

There are lots of smaller schools where sports (and their coaches) are put in their proper context. In those schools, everybody understands that it really is just a fucking game and that there are far more

I’m sure somewhere in the nation there’s a college wrestling coach who’s very mellow and nurturing.

Great article. Thank you. I appreciate you reviewing the history of the treaty and its importance then and now.

Hey there, I’m American. Honestly it’s because a bunch of us are assholes. The whole middle* of the country has never seen a muslim before but finds them general terrifying and really thinks that the mexicans are coming to steel their jobs and rape their women. Trump repeated the racist drivel they heard on Fox News

Because our country was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and it’s finally coming back to haunt us.

Like you said, you’re not American.