
Counterpoint: Marshawn Lynch + Conan = Gold

No no no, this is when Barkley doubles down. He always doubles down. They don’t call him the Round Mound of Rebound for nothing. He’s gonna be right back up. If you’re going to get into a spat with a man who literally threw a guy through a window, prepare to feel the pane.

And that man was... you guessed it, Frank Stallone.

If the Falcons win, I hope they go visit John Lewis instead of going to the White House.

As sanctimonious and sonorous as it could be, The Sports Reporters was one of the few places on ESPN where one could listen to grown-ups.


“Change what you cannot accept. Do not accept what you can’t change.”

Now playing

Never worked there, but will never tire of Jay Mohr’s impression of their shitty commercials..

can’t go. fraid of clowns

This ought to shut the highlight truthers right the fuck up. See? They do call traveling in the NBA.

Packers. Every single one of them.

I wish Chelsea had gone about things in a slightly different way, but fundamentally I see her as a whistle blower and not a traitor. I’m sure it was too politically risky to do this before the election, but I’m glad it happened before Obama left.

Are we talking Joe Flacco elite or Aaron Rodgers elite?

Bill Simmons retired from basketball a few years ago, but Jacoby and House have been trying to get him back on the court. LA’s middle-aged white guy pickup basketball scene just hasn’t been the same without him.


“Old man doesn’t understand how voting works, wants someone to tell him how to feel about things: The story of the 2016 Election.”

Part of the NBA’s new “Trades for the sake of humor” campaign.

This also adds a new layer to that State Farm ad where he says “NOBODY COMES INTO MY HOUSE”.

I hate this National Hat Day bullshit. I’m going dancing instead. You can come too if you want to. But don’t bring your friends. They don’t dance, so they’re no friends of mine.