Wait...I thought Lucas raped everyone ‘s childhood. He has fanboys again?
Wait...I thought Lucas raped everyone ‘s childhood. He has fanboys again?
The Chinese League is to the NBA as the MLS is to the EPL.
For better or worse I am not politically active. But booing the shit out of Gurrel during Game 6 of the WS is one of my proudest moments and may be the best moment in Dodgers history.
It will always be cool how Marvel turned its biggest obstacle (no movie rights for Spider-Man, X-Men, or FF) into its biggest accomplishment. I wonder what the DCEU would be like if they could not use Superman or Batman...
Yea! And the anthem!
Better ingredients. Better pizza. Whites only.
Lobot’s origin is told in the comic series “Lando.”
It’s not Ryan it’s Ryen.
That’s wrong and you know it. Calling the basketball team in a state with all white people “Jazz” is some pre-Alt-Right bull shit.
“Give us our tower and library and the galactic republic can do whatever it wants” - signed, Jedi Council.
Isn’t that the only explanation where anything in the prequels make sense? Even Yoda is full of himself.
What everyone is missing is Luke has always been a loner at best and a whiney and selfish brat at worst, even in Return of the Jedi (I’m sure the Alliance would have appreciated him using his Jedi skills to storm the shield generator instead of walking off and getting himself captured). His actions and beliefs in TLJ…
I think he moral is everyone makes shitty Jedis. I mean, Alderaan would probably still be around if Qui Gon had just ditched that kid on Tatooine.
I think the “mystery” of Rey’s parents was a fantastic solution. She clearly dreamed of being something more then she was and believed that her parents had something to do with fulfilling that part of her life. In Last Jedi she is confronted with the truth and embraces the idea that her parents were never important to…
To be somewhat fair here, Alex Jones Jr, the divide in 2000 is no where near what it is now. And they were right Leiberman was a lousy VP candidate but neither he nor Cheney had any affect on the race.
Nah, putting the stadiums all next to each other just outside the center of the city with absolutely nothing around them is the right way. Downtown stadiums are for people that like to sit in traffic for an extra hour. LA Live is a prime example of why you shouldn’t put a stadium in downtown. Also Dodger Stadium. Also…
That’s a bit nitpicky. Now allow me to pick my own nits: wasn’t DJ who spilled the beans about the escape pods? Well how did he know about the escape pods? And did he develop a stutter when explained his double cross to Finn and Rose?
Most of the changes to Empire didn’t bother me that much.
I’d just as soon keep mutants in their own universe away from MCU
Jesse Plemons needs to play Guy Gardner. Fuck Hal Jordan and John Stewart, two of the most boring ass superheroes ever.