
This is generally a really quiet, serene block...

Hates Cleveland?

Two things - he is living in West Hollywood so he’ll be out of money by the time he is 30. Also, prankster shows are very, very dumb.

Trump is just a “fuck you” from a dying generation

The Dems don’t have a national problem. They consistently win the popular vote. They have a local level politics problem. State and city governments are fully of rage-aholic conservatives that truly believe they are a superior gender and race because of Jesus. So they rig the system to win it all. It’s a pretty simple


Dolan is so rich I don’t think he can comprehend money. I think he literally believes people just give him stuff. He would be totally lost in a Walmart like a penguin in a desert.

Go be a cop in SF. Dare you.

That was my takeaway from the article: make Peter Parker black and it’s WW3. Make Liz Allen black and it’s gold stars for progress.

As an outsider looking in, this guy needs to get a little class and quit like an adult.

I think it’s more socially acceptable for men to move on more quickly. Especially a single father vs a single mother. There is probably pressure for a single mother to “be there for her kids” instead of dating.  

Ok, I’m bored...


And I say it doesn’t matter who has more gold records- LeBron is the greatest! #embracedebate

Maybe, but Swaggy is a firm believer that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

But the MLB rarely has NBA-style dynasties. If anything, it seems damn impossible to predict a World Series winner, and payroll hasn’t been a factor for a while now,

I will forever refer to them as the ‘Tics. Fuck the ‘Tics.

And 10,000 words wouldn’t be nearly enough, amiright? #thecardinalway

Yeah, how does this all jive with Dallas-gate last year? Playing ping pong and pool until 3am with DJ to prove how awesome the Clippers are?

All right, so what is lost in all this? The Spurs. The get LA last year and want to trade him this year. No more Manu. No more Parker. They lost Chris Paul.