
That was my takeaway from the article: make Peter Parker black and it’s WW3. Make Liz Allen black and it’s gold stars for progress.

As an outsider looking in, this guy needs to get a little class and quit like an adult.

I think it’s more socially acceptable for men to move on more quickly. Especially a single father vs a single mother. There is probably pressure for a single mother to “be there for her kids” instead of dating.  

Miles is number 1? You’re trying too hard. Like when Joker isn’t the number 1 Batman villain.

Nice to hear about The Ray. I know about Cave and the cynic in me says the only reason there is any Young Animal is because of a rock star.

1940s version of The Long Halloween

Fucking awesome. Thunder & Lighting.

Ok, I’m bored...


And I say it doesn’t matter who has more gold records- LeBron is the greatest! #embracedebate

Maybe, but Swaggy is a firm believer that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

But the MLB rarely has NBA-style dynasties. If anything, it seems damn impossible to predict a World Series winner, and payroll hasn’t been a factor for a while now,

I will forever refer to them as the ‘Tics. Fuck the ‘Tics.

That show kicked ass you effin Trump voter.

The poster’s designer is here to answer your questions and concerns

I’m with you. The origin can encompasses so many important story moments. Look at Superman ‘78 for example: Clark’s time as the high school football team’s waterboy basically explains why Superman doesn’t just show up and start punching things. It’s not just Krypton blew up and here he is.

Ironic isn’t it? Marvel TV feels the DCEU and DC TV feels like the MCU.

And 10,000 words wouldn’t be nearly enough, amiright? #thecardinalway

Yeah, how does this all jive with Dallas-gate last year? Playing ping pong and pool until 3am with DJ to prove how awesome the Clippers are?

Ioan definitely has the look and he is a good actor. Interestingly, his wife Alice Evans would make a terrific Sue Storm.