I watch football and have never played. Is that weird?
I watch football and have never played. Is that weird?
Survey: 100% of the replies in this thread are justified snark from Deadspinners and 100% butt-hurt from Kotaku-ers.
He shit himself and had to change his shorts.
Why LeBron James gotta be Darth Vadar at the end of Rogue One?
Boston sucks. Go Lakers.
Trump very graciously helped the New Jersey Jets by sending Woody Johnson out of the country.
I appreciate the support. Sean and I are going to be discussing Trump’s role in the Patriots dynasty. I say Trump is 100% responsible and Sean says Trump is 110% responsible. Go to the online poll after the show and tell who you think is right.
“I’ve never commandered a vehicle!”
We’ve been told to hold off on MAGA. Pepe is working on a new tag, and folks, let me tell you, it will be so big.
“Tony, I don’t want to intrude, but you seem a little down.”
Just “sometimes?” I’ll try harder!
...racism wasn’t exactly a phenomenon that was isolated to Boston, Massachusetts.
It’s totes for real.
Good read, very insightful.
You abolitionist traditionalists are so damn annoying with your unwritten morals.
Gino was the captain of the ship in Amistad.
Seriously, if there is one team that I could magically strip away their league championships it would be the Red Sox - just make it so they never won any World Series ever.
Bill Russell, the most accomplished athlete to ever play in “sports obsessed” Boston, has an entire Wikipedia section detailing the racism and abuse he dealt with during his time with the Celtics.
And semi-semi-relevant to that is Alan Arkin is the most underrated part of So I Married An Ax Murderer.
Oh he’ll be fine. No one is going to buy him a beer, but he didn’t bitch out and pretend like he didn’t hear the boos.