Or I could just stick with what I've unlocked through natural progression and hope I don't run into someone wielding Pay-To-Win-O-Tron.
Or I could just stick with what I've unlocked through natural progression and hope I don't run into someone wielding Pay-To-Win-O-Tron.
if it means I can find the cure for cancer.. yeah, do it!
really? i thought shit like this doesnt happen in Japan where everyone is polite..
This is just hard for the sake of being hard and bad design.
Sometimes the flying heads goes off the screen and only come back again when it's almost near.
Kentucky Route Zero??
What did you guys play on? Consoles? or PC? if it's the later what kinda rig?
I bet those publishers also asked to add guns and first person mode
Is something like "this war of mine" can be considered as "game"? Or flight simulator in that case.. Cause when I "play" those games I don't feel like I'm playing something, whatever playing means.
I know there's already a "serious games" category but as games transcend its initial ideal and becoming an bare…
F2P is simple.. people who hate it are people who are used to buy videogames. It's a simple psychology : if it's used to be paid and now it's free -> we get extremely suspicious. If you used to buy your food and now they're giving it away for free you'd think it's bad/stale food, etc.
The King's Quest series holds a special place in the heart of many gamers, and so news that the series was being resurrected, along with the Sierra brand, made us all very happy. Sure, they could screw up the whole thing and ruin our fond memories of the series, but honestly... I mean, King's Quest: Mask of Eternity…
Judging from the hull and the body.. it's hard for me to see any ballast/anything to control the buoyancy. Old man.. please don't test this death trap.
it's nothing like team Ico style.. just because an adventure game is about a boy on a quest doesn't mean it's Ico
new cards are imba compared to old standard version cards.. i expect this will sorted out quick. It's just way too crazy atm
What? 60 fps 1080p is breathtaking? Nonsense... where's that artistic 30fps, that cinematic looks?? It's all about gameplay yknow? Wii U!!!!
Am I the only one who can't keep my eyes from the two hostesses in the back? especially since I don't understand the language any bit
Well, sony is almost broke anyway. Year after year of losses in the consumer electronic business. Here's hoping they'll throw more money at developer somehow.
Is this gonna be like Ryse? which turns out full of FMV? console graphical prowess my arse!
This is like a telltale wannabe and doesn't have the vibe of KQ at all!
god, that wii u controller is really akward and look uncomfortable to play the game with
(yes i've tried wii u before and i think it's uncomfortable)