Meh.. Lol.. It looks like clay fighter! This is what you get when you render something realistically but still tries to maintain the cartoony look.
Meh.. Lol.. It looks like clay fighter! This is what you get when you render something realistically but still tries to maintain the cartoony look.
Crap.. it's shit like this that makes another "thing that can't be said"-gate
Sorry.. nobody likes gohan!! He's even worthless than Kuririn
I need to know if I have to upgrade my graphic card/CPU for this.. my current settings is GTX560Ti + i52400. Yes they are almost 4 yrs old now and I've been waiting to upgrade my rig but trying to see if I can hold on to it abit longer..
leave it to french to make kissing right...
huh? but naruto is gay for sasuke
The last video looks like FF: Jurassic Park or at least they can use it for the next JP game
okay.. just finish this game please .. then they can create as many add-on, DLC, spin offs as much as they can.
I guess it's because they already earn my money they oblige to add all these stuffs
hmm.. anybody knows what resolution this will be? will it 1080p? the youtube video is only avalaible at 720p max.
looking foward to play Final Fantasy : Jurassic Park edition
Hmmpphh.. I wouldn't be too surprised if people (possibly french/francophile) criticize your "french". They are the only people in this world who criticize you from trying to use their language but also at the same time irritated that you're not trying to use their language.
brilliant! can i steal your idea?
It's bullshit and we all know it. If the game even makes a slightest progress then I'm sure they'll be showing it everywhere. The game even transcend a console generation lol..
The fact that the game is non existence is enough to tell me that no one is working on it right now.
hey.. what do y ou know.. more framerate better experience
so.. he's a crow? hah!
Great! Now we can have a realistic Myst 2 but... this mean there has to be a real world Myst universe first to scan?
I have to agree with some of the comments, it's not about the all males. DBZ/Kenshin RPG will have all males party and I wouldn't want it any other way.
It's just that these characters are so blah, one dimensional (dress the same, looks the same except for the token tough guy) and clearly use alot of anime tropes…
hearing the game director explaining the percentage is painful and cringeworthy lol..
it's like that racoon and starlord banter.. how many percent??