this is so cool!.. it's like a swag and cosplay material altogether
this is so cool!.. it's like a swag and cosplay material altogether
I remember this very fondly, when patrick said weast i literally falling out of my bed laughing..
hmm.. my votes are consistently the popular vote except for sony's (which i voted just 9 out of 10)
I'm so common and not that special :(
Division looks and hopefully plays really good \(@_@)/
So far the games really stand out this E3 and it made me happy and no longer care about consoles war winner.
Gamers are the winner this time around!
ps: also what's up with game journalism these days? can't you guys sniff anything anymore? so many new games that we…
wait does this mean we're gonna have epic legal fight ala apple vs samsung? bring it on!!
Reading forums n overwhelming comments i got the feeling that all these because for 8 years PS fans have nothing to cheer and now suddenly they're onto something..
I really wish MS does well this gen though, it's really sad if the market is dominated with just 1-2 main players. I feel like in 3 kingdom, this…
and what makes you think a guy with a gamepad will prove the other way around? I;m pretty sure even if it's live it's heavily memorized gameplay if not already scripted..
It's just it's really did look weird, at least setup a proper rig or something so it doesn't look akward..
i've been on a convention before and being…
what's with showing people playing the game onstage? it's really weird to see a mute guy looking down ..
also.. the game looks amazing! though why they have to make it part of the assassin franchise? it'll make a great new IP
you can hear the crowd really confused on what to do when they introduce this box :D
I just can't get myself excited for FF franchise anymore since FFX, i don't know why... all looks meh to me now and I used to be a FF fan (normal fan). I still get excited and play some JRPGs though
"PC gamers, be polite.".. not sure if this is a reverse psychology or not.
something about the premise of this game is abit off, if he has all that hacking power wouldnt be more deadly if he doesn't go vigilante mad and shooting people? you can do many things with the informations such as turning bad guys against each other, take all their money, whistleblow them etc
i hate used games, the money mostly goes to the dealer such as gamestop and devs don't get their secondary income they desperately need. They also come in a bad packaging/condition.
yeah, i mean.. logically M$ surely must've discussed these through with publishers and developers and I'm pretty sure all publishers n devs want to get more money from used games.
If Sony doesn't have the same system like xbone who do you think the publishers/devs will support more? Only time will tell...
I wonder how sony's camp is doing atm, either they're laughing their collective asses off ... or ... crapping their pants cause they know they about to pull the same features and trying to figure out how to get away from the mess.
So far afaik, they've been very mute ... ... ... ..
I believe you just lost your gamers cred there, nobody jumps on bowser
I think your rage is just about a company telling u what to do :) Truth be told, we no longer live in the 90s anymore, everything (electronic gadgets) need internet connection these days otherwise you get nothing.
As long as it's not silly DRM that'll break the game I don't care, it's not like I'll lose somehting…
I think.. you should really put a big spoiler sign there.. there are some people who still wait for BI bargain