
Of all the things MS said today, I really can't understand why the "internet citizen" throw their pitch and fork about "connect once every 24hr".

You guys already on internet probably most of the time and probably can't live without checking your facebook/twitter/etc once a day.. complaining about how you should

I think.. big gaming media like kotaku should have a dedicated indie section. Hey you guys do it with apps of the week feature (though indie could make mobile games too).

I'm definitely won't get any new console soon. Judging from this generation, I mostly play on PC to get the best experience and PS3 for exclusives, which is out of 8 years : I only ended up with like a dozen games.

That's a really weird "G" there.. doesn't make any sense, judging by the pen stroke. I even read it as Bill Dates, which is hillarious

this is why I never understand why companies never play nice with each other and make more money by mashing their creations to create the ultimate money maker.

I'd love to see dragonball vs naruto for example, why can't they make this happen? I'm sure everyone will love it too.

isn't he one of the co-founder? sad day :(

condolence to his family and friends

what's with the font? might as well use comic sans

exactly, english isn't my language so i thought i was the only one who didn't get it. Glad to know im not the only one

Well, contractors are treated that way afaik. I've been working as contractor on several projects.. we're the mercenaries of the gamedev world. All is fair, get used to it, finish the job, take the money and move on.

it's not the graphic that makes PES (or Winning Eleven in asia) players like me moved to FIFA -> it's the gameplay, the control, etc!

There were days when FIFA is so stupid compared to PES but since FIFA 10 eveyrthing's changed and it feels really great as a soccer game and PES just falling behind with no innovation.

what is this? looks like a nokia to me?

I don't know, as I get older I couldn't stand having gaming session for more than couple hours. These days I can only play 2 dota session before I feel like my head is spinning and need to walk it off. So I guess this isn't a problem for me?

Afaik, xbox360 is the first console that supports indie in some ways. XBLA is not for indies nor self published, only few can afford to go that route.

No one cares about indies on console before but now suddenly M$ is a bad guy?

Remedy, are we going back to fmv with live actors.. C&C style? circa 1990? I approved!

oh wow.. how big is it? from the object comparison with the controller it looks like a desktop PC!!

lol'e @ fire.. hellbat correction :D

I'm not sure what to make of this, lately I have a bad case of nostalgia so I played a lot of old games, usually platformers and adventure games. I noticed that either :
A. Games that I used to feel really hard is now easy (or at least feel way more shorter)
B. Games that I used to be able to finish are now such a

It goes to show you that sometimes most developers know nothing and just overrated themselves silly.

They really need to improve racing games AI, it really pisses me off everytime an AI just cut n crash on me cause it just trying 2 follow its racing line without knowing I'm already side by side or even slightly ahead of him.

and add more well known racing tracks, at least make it DLC man!

So are these footage was taken from what I assume PS4? Do they talk about what's gonna be different between this gen release on next gen release?

I think I'll wait..