Also by using a white model on the cover they’ve taken one away from a black model - and they have enough difficulty getting their fair share of modelling jobs as it is.
Also by using a white model on the cover they’ve taken one away from a black model - and they have enough difficulty getting their fair share of modelling jobs as it is.
She’s actually half white, half Malaysian. Also, some casual googling found her discussing intersectional feminism, abortion rights, and the need for ethnic diversity in fashion. She’s only 19 and she’s using her fame as a platform to discuss really important issues. I sort of love her.
That shows how very little you understand about black hair.
This is a fucked up comment. There’s no reason to say this.
I want to hear what others have to say and I don’t want to propose this as the only reason this list was problematic, but here’s my best idea. The fact that it was a *list* is part of why it’s fucked up. When you or I or anybody thinks or talks about an individual who we find attractive, it’s exactly that - an individu…
A friend of mine did that once as an adult. He once found himself surrounded by bouncers and a DJ in a parking lot one night so he whipped his dick out and started peeing in a circle. None of the guys wanted to touch him after that. It’s a good defense tactic.
You’re a pro! I’ve only fainted that one time (hot day, shortly after giving blood) and as I was not expecting to do so I don’t think I did it gracefully, though everyone was very kind afterwards.
You know about the squatty potty, right?
IMPORTANT QUESTION! Is your friend a man or a woman?
Female squirrels also literally pull the fur off their backs (and tails) to make the nest comfortable for the young. If you ever see a squirrel that looks like it’s missing about half its tail fur, this is probably why. Also they only get 74% of the nuts males get.
The other day I told a friend I saw a boy squirrel bury a pecan in my yard, only to have a girl squirrel come along five seconds later, dig it up, and bury it three inches to the left. My friend asked me, “How could you tell which one was the boy?”. I shall stop laughing whenever my friend’s question passes from my…
Any other Brits on here remember the dinosaurs at Blackgang Chine on the Is. of Wight?