
So in other words, the fact that the Major has a Japanese brain inside makes her a "reverse banana"?

One more point: if Kitano only speaking Japanese in the movie wasn't an issue - then why did that preclude other Japanese actors?

It was a rhetorical flourish… pointing out the characters played by Asians. Sure Kitano is famous, but not in the US. So why is he the only major cast member who's Japanese then?

"…it reminds me of the 80s when cabbage patch dolls only came in black and white, so if you were an asian, latino, or indian kid who wanted your doll to look like you, too bad you're shit out of luck."

"…it seems that this movie actually does have a considerable cast of non-white characters anyway."

Of course, it's not the 1980's anymore…

Just a point - it isn't just ScarJo's casting (though that was the biggest contention).

TL,DR: Pretty imagery, generic been-there, done-that script.

Waiting on #restingPhelpsFace

I'm reminded of Billy Crystal's comment at the Oscars (and I'm paraphrasing) "Nothing makes me forget my worries more than watching millionaires give other millionaires golden statues."

Surprised to see Rila Fukushima as the Red Priestess who spotted Tyrion. I wonder if we'll see her with a sword in her hand by the end of the season….

"When a ref declares holding, he simply grabs his wrist, and for the other penalties, he sticks out a hand or two. Look, we all know that rookie crew chief Brad Allen has the potential to be a breakout star with those dynamite gams of his…"

In technicality, McBurney's point is now thought of as one-third the distance from the anterior-superior iliac spine to the umbilicus, not midway. As I recall though, McBurney wasn't so specific.

I thought Thack was rubbing the cocaine on his hands… which if properly applied is a great local anesthetic to take the sting out of losing a virginity…

Oh, and he was a doctor (Halsted) who was really addicted to cocaine and heroin…

That's why the end shot was there… Alge was literally trying to think of where to "plug it in", as there's no electricity in his office.