Hey now! Body shaming is wrong, and is nothing more than a superficial judgement that ignores the wonderful truck within. (Except in this case, where the inside is awful as well. And underneath. And the owners. And the fanboys. And and and...)
Demands a supervisor.
My 2019 Jeep Compass has a wheel and seats that heat up, air that cools down, and a button that maintains a speed without my foot on the gas!
Let’s hear it for the Mitsubishi Mirage!
I once saw someone who was texting while driving their minivan ~10 under in the fast lane of the freeway rear end someone who was texting while driving their minivan ~20 under in the fast lane of the freeway.
You can tell through the entire video that this derpstick just can’t understand why this is happening to him. Clearly the entire thing is the fault of everyone else and yet he somehow got in trouble.
The dumbest Tesla-related story I’ve seen this week*, and for once it isn’t something Tesla did!
I didn’t realize Hunter S. Thompson was a Jalop.
On my way home from a motorcycle rally ages ago, I took a secondary road to try to shave ~45 minutes off of the 8 hour ride to hopefully beat some looming weather.
So, show the bare minimum amount of consideration to other people?
I think the little coward that Mr. Lazarus was referring to would be Mr. Cotton.
There was the plane that crashed.