The way I see it, if you’re going to build a safari car, why not do it with some style?
The way I see it, if you’re going to build a safari car, why not do it with some style?
That’s cool and all, but we did it here in Calgary like 10 years ago.
It’s not like they crashed it.
This seems like the perfect opportunity for Chevy to slip the guy a new Camaro with a service package and reap the social media rewards.
This kid looks like when he runs out of smugness, his primary fighting move is squealing, “JUST WAIT TILL MY FATHER FINDS OUT!”
Salesman: “This bad boy can fit SO MANY crashes in it!”
I was always more fond of the Clown Leader’s bike.
Whenever a car flips over, its drive shaft DISAPPEARS!
I’ve got 3, 2 that got away and 1 that I regret letting go.
I wonder if there’s a contract to be signed by the buyer that ownership reverts to Keith after you die of old age...
Standard issue “If that were me, I’s totally...”
This exact thing is why pretty much the only “reality” competition shows I watch or Forged in Fire and occasionally Face-Off.
Yeah, I’d watch that.
I’ve got a buddy that’s 7'3 and when I met him he had this ratty old Honda Civic with the driver’s seat removed so he could drive from the back. He said he got the idea from Police Academy.
What about chopping up something awful?
Nice to see they’re starting to act like proper Top Gear, but Hammond’s lead might be insurmountable.
And the collective noun for a group of Prii is an “Obstruction”.
I once had an Ion. The “Quad Coupe” in black, with the big sunroof and the weird middle-of-the-trunk spoiler, the least meh version they made without a Red Line badge.