The woman who claimed the broken fingers reportedly made it up. She apparently had inflammation on one finger. None were broken. And she wore the cast on the hand not grabbed by the officers.
The woman who claimed the broken fingers reportedly made it up. She apparently had inflammation on one finger. None were broken. And she wore the cast on the hand not grabbed by the officers.
Count Dooku from the Star Wars prequels was renamed “ Count Dookan” in Brazil because Dooku kinda sounds like ‘I take it in the ass’ in Portuguese
Why are we assuming Jon kills Dany and not the other way around?
Is the next hot new trend offering your date a relaxing scalp massage to surreptitiously compile their phrenology chart?
If I found out my date was doing my astrological natal chart behind my back, I would definitely dump them immediately. But not because I thought it was an invasion of privacy...
I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.
As a llama, I would like to state that we, the llama community, do not have any association with Mr. Llamas and condemn any spitting in victims’ faces. For the record, we’re also not cool with all the Nazis that have been running around lately either.
I’m sure Trump would love to give the women of America a hand. Just don’t argue about where the hand will go.
The world is horrible so we should all be horrible to each other because that’s just the way it is and should be.
Heh, abortion used to be legal in Chile, but then, in around early 70s abortion rights, as well as other social attitudes started to regress and be eroded for some reason.
Jesus christ... multiple people are dead and many more are seriously wounded and countless numbers of people are in total agony, be it physical or emotional. I read the article and it’s well done and to the point. Then I make the mistake of scrolling down to the comments and I see a bunch of lowlife scumbags making…
Seriously, that 8 lb 6 oz Baby Jesus stuff is scary—and patronizing. and the Prosperity Gospel is an abomination. You have to go so far out of your way to misunderstand someone that hard. People are just so odd.
Mate it’s the UK. If you can’t handle the 51 weeks of pissing rainstorms unaided then you’re in the wrong fucking country.
Maybe WE don’t, but there’s plenty of gross people out there who would love to have this over her head for reasons I don’t even wanna think about x___x
So people’s voting history is actually logged in Merica? Wow.
This is also my feeling.
“But why didn’t you report your rape?”
What a sad waste of precious bacon.
The Washington Post reports that under his plea deal, Thicklen served three days and paid a fine of $200. The County will likely appeal the jury’s verdict.