Would you care to substantiate this statement, please:
Would you care to substantiate this statement, please:
“Just get on with filling my heart with hope and then get off my lawn!”
Well, at least now there’s a solution to the whole “CEOs are grossly overpaid” situation: more women in executive roles!
“Social contract” of whaaat? God, this American phobia of touching is so creepy. Glad I live in Latin America where a store clerk would helpfully snatch my baby from my arms if I have debris in my contact lens and no one would be weird about it. Pretty sure that actually happened to me at one point.
only half??? only half?? whats wrong with rest of you people???
That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.
Sause was open to having children of her own. According to Jaquiss, Sause felt it would make up for the life she took while driving drunk in 2004
Yeah these people should not be making more people.
Holy shit, this is too much fuckedupedness for one story. Needs a male heir? Replacing the person she killed driving drunk? Aaaahhhh!
Should you encounter an ancient Roman, do not invite him to dinner at your house.
I’ll take something like this, thanks.
I think Rafael has some proportion issues that don’t set well with me and seems to think that everyone has the body of a 1920's meat cutter. I appreciate his understanding of style, but don't care for his style in particular.
Or, if you like it long and hard:
Well, “Asian” is such a general term. I wouldn’t expect someone of Korean decent to speak on behalf of the Chinese,Indian, .....communities.
Plates allow me the space to commingle my food as I desire. I cannot deny the necessity of bowls, but I prefer to be in charge of just how mixy my foods get, thankyouverymuch gooddaysir.
Period colds are totally a thing! I get stuffy nose/sinuses & sore throats really freaking often during my period. Every other month, I’d guess. And when I lived with three women senior year of college, two of them had the same thing but just didn’t make the connection until I kept complaining about my own period…
As an ancient, I can say that since 1974 - when I got my first period - I’ve known that NO ONE believes you - not doctors or school nurses - not even other women - unless they’ve experienced it. I was so fortunate to not have the emotional/depression side-effects.... but the pain.... the fucking pain. I felt like I…
From a strictly scientific standpoint, it is an interesting question.