I think that’s my favorite comic book sound effect ever.
I think that’s my favorite comic book sound effect ever.
I don’t know, guys, I think she has a point. Yes, helping others is noble or whatever, but my god, at what cost? Poverty is icky and Junior might learn to *dry heaves* acknowledge poor people as human beings! Idk, I think it’s just un-American to teach kids that other countries exist in the world and that people…
Because children are adults’ property, and adults are to control every image they get exposed to, lest they see something that might spark a fire of independent thought.
Some of us flatly refuse.
I don’t know how you guys walk around in those things. I’m still having phantom pain just from watching Bryce Dallas Howard run in high heels in Jurassic World. Between high heels, period cramps, and childbirth I think you may be the tougher sex. That may sound patronizing but seriously how the hell do you do it?!
I just love how people who say shit like that act like just the simple act of being sensitive and respectful of other people is somehow a giant burden. Like giving your words a thought before you say them is somehow a way bigger problem than other people being hurt.
Considering Spain’s history of brutalizing the people of South America around the time that this ship sank, maybe Madrid can let this one go?
“ I am not politically correct nor do I particularly care if people disagree with me.”
There was an article just like that, that came out about Jian Ghomeshi post-revelations, written by a woman who worked in the Canadian indie music scene. The original article seems to have been taken down but you can read the whole text here:
Excuse me, America. Are you quite finished yet?
Agreed. I’ll admit it, I thought he was hot, I fell for his whole “feminist” act, I thought the rough stuff he did was consensual, and it turned me on. But I believe and support Stoya and I now find him disgusting. It definitely feels very victim blame-y when people imply that they knew something was wrong with him,…
YEP. It’s fuel to the “oh but she should have known he was bad news” fire
It also implies that you can tell who is a rapist because rapists are all creepy, you know? None of them are ever charming and likeable, no sir. It’s not like sociopaths are masters at manipulation. Definitely not. And then there’s the “of course he was a rapist, I knew he was one all along” - implying that his…
Feel the need to rant.
Thank you! I can’t stress enough to people that access to reproductive health services means that every child is a very much wanted blessing, and not a burden.
I hate when people say they’ll “pray for you.” I think it’s so rude, especially if unsolicited. But if anyone needs prayers, it’s this lady.
I’m glad this story come up and that the accused will be brought to court. I have seen the behaviour of many soldiers in South East Asia, and frankly, I know the US is all about the vets and this is a difficult work, but the way they generate and treat sex workers and poorer country is appalling.
Who bells the cat? The differential in power is what keeps long time sexual abusers able to do it and who is going to open their mouths and get crushed to ‘do the right thing’? I have had my life destroyed on several occasions by doing the right thing and it would be impossible for me to recommend it to anyone else as…