
“Just 23 more days, America. Just 23. More. Days.”

I read an article that after Brexit, hate crimes spiked 41% in England and Wales. The Miranda Kerr thing makes me wonder if we’ll see a similar bump in sexual assaults due to Trump. If you want a woman, you take her. Just start kissing her. Grab her by the pussy. Get a knife, go over the wall, get what’s yours.

And now, your Friday feels:

I saw plenty of those in my nursing home days. As my sister, who also worked in the field, said to me, “Aren’t they weird? They look like......a head.”

Oh and then there was that time no one told me not to eat anything with seeds in it after my wisdom teeth. When I finally flushed those sockets it’s was like a stream of black sand that smelled like dog breath.


I could probably produce a whole bunch of tales about this, but I’ll settle for the most recent outing, which contained no less than THREE things you’d rather not hear a doctor say. (And if any of my real-life friends read Jez comments, I’m about to doxx myself, so.)

Listening to that Access Hollywood video about Donald Trump has made me clench so tight I am confident my uterus isn’t going anywhere.

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

That I was lactating because of a brain growth and that I was not, in fact, pregnant at 15. I know lactation isn’t actually gross but it is when you’re a 15 year old virgin.

Stern doesn’t have to sexually degrade teens on the radio. That’s a choice he made.

Stern may be joking. I don’t like Howard Stern, but it’s sort of his job to get people to laugh at the horrible things he says.

“Can you imagine the sex with this troubled teen?”

When Stern runs for president?

When are we going to start getting angry at Howard Stern for all his shitbag misogynistic remarks?

“You may feel a slight sting. That’s pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts. It never helps. You fight through that shit.”

This photo makes me kinda sad, lol. Joanna is next to two trash cans and is in the (dark??) corner, plus her tail is just kinda smushed behind her.

What is up with that doll on her desk?