
The theme song is the best part IMHO


I felt stupid doing it. Thats all I know man.

It definitely was not worth the money IMHO

I am generally I pretty apathetic person. But I was petrified. To this day my proudest moment is not pissing my pants. I was this close.

So this reminds me of the time that I went sky diving and the entire time the I was taking in this “incredible”, “life affirming” experience all that I could think was,

I will take the first three. K thanks.

This is why I just except my fate of being hopelessly homely by just excepting free bags of people’s handmedowns and layering them haphazardly across my body because I am constantly cold and sunlight scares me. I look like a homeless person 90% of the time. Sometimes people hand me food. It’s nice.

This is so damn unfair cause this outfit would look absolutely hideous on literally anyone else.

So proud rn.

I for one am glad to see that you have overcome your fear of menstruation.

These ladies are class acts. And I think it is so bad ass how they subtlety and productively proved everyone wrong. (Including myself)

Yeah but this person STUDIED BODY ART. So you are wrong.


All tattoos are cheesy.

She is such a babe.

Yeah except for no.

You always say exactly what I am afraid to say. Snaps for you.

Ok. So fuck all the people who are going to say, “But we dont really know what happened! They could have actually been harassing the other guests! Let’s not pass judgement because we were really there...”

I really really hope so.